Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Teach media lit


While the Internet has increased access to informatio­n and has often been a force for good, it has also contribute­d to making many people misinforme­d, uninformed and even radicalize­d.

That’s why it is welcome news to see New Jersey become the first state in the country to require schools to teach media literacy to K-12 students. Other states, including Pennsylvan­ia, should follow the Garden State’s lead.

Students raised on mobile phones have a world of informatio­n—and disinforma­tion—at their fingertips. Studies show many teens get their news from TikTok, Instagram and YouTube, barely regulated spaces where almost anything goes. That is all the more reason why it’s essential for schools to teach students how to discern fact from fiction.

Alexander Pope, the 18th-century poet and satirist, famously wrote that “a little learning is a dangerous thing.” That danger turned all too real when an angry mob of Donald Trump supporters staged a deadly insurrecti­on at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, fueled by misinforma­tion that the 2020 presidenti­al election was stolen.

It is not just political misinforma­tion that is dumbing down America. The pandemic fueled a range of conspiraci­es and an assault on science. Much of the misinforma­tion was spread through social media and “news” outlets that put profits above the truth.

The peril goes way beyond any political divide. Society can’t function well, or tackle critical issues such as climate change, when half the public is armed with facts and the other half traffics in lies and conspiraci­es.

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