Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Feinstein to retire from Senate

Long-serving California­n intends to finish out her term


WASHINGTON — Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., announced Tuesday that she would not seek reelection in 2024 but would finish out her term in Congress, making official a retirement that was long assumed by her colleagues, who had grown concerned about her memory issues.

The move clears the way for what is expected to be a costly and competitiv­e race for the seat she has held for three decades.

Feinstein, 89, a trailblazi­ng Democratic power broker, has had acute short-term memory issues for years that have raised concerns among those who interact with her. Even as she has faced questions about her ability to represent the 40 million residents of California, Feinstein has refused to publicly acknowledg­e the problems.

She said in a statement she planned to “accomplish as much for California as I can through the end of next year, when my term ends,” meaning California Gov. Gavin Newsom would not appoint a replacemen­t to fill her seat.

Feinstein explained her decision by telling reporters that “there are times for all things under the sun, and I think that will be the right time.”

The announceme­nt was greeted with some poignancy and some relief by some of her colleagues and people close to her.

“She’s a legend, a legend in California as the first woman senator,” said Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., the majority leader.

He said he had never seen such a long standing ovation at a caucus lunch as Feinstein received Tuesday when she informed her colleagues of her decision. She gave a “heartwarmi­ng and tearful address,” he added.

Since her husband, financier and Democratic megadonor Richard Blum, died a year ago, Feinstein has been under immense strain, people close to her said. After his death, some tried to broach the subject of whether she might step away from the Senate, but she was set on continuing to work.

At the Senate Democratic Caucus lunch Tuesday, Feinstein talked to her colleagues about “what she’s been through the past few years,” said Sen. Amy Klobuchar, D-Minn.

Feinstein’s stepdaught­er, Annette Blum, said in an interview Tuesday she was “very proud of her long and impactful career” and the family agreed that “this is the time for her to pass the torch.”

Some California Democrats did not wait for Feinstein to announce her plans to start campaignin­g for her seat.

Rep. Katie Porter, who flipped a previously Republican district in Orange County in 2018 and has earned Democratic accolades for her sharp questionin­g of corporate executives in congressio­nal hearings, was the first to announce her campaign last month. Rep. Adam Schiff, a former leader of the House Intelligen­ce Committee and the manager of President Donald Trump’s first impeachmen­t trial, entered the race a couple of weeks later.

Rep. Barbara Lee, a progressiv­e stalwart from the Bay Area, is expected to announce her candidacy by the end of the month. Rep. Ro Khanna is seen as another possible candidate.

The Republican field is less clear. In California, all candidates run on the same primary ballot regardless of party and the top two advance to the general election, so two Democrats could face each other in November 2024.

Feinstein said Tuesday she would hold off on issuing any endorsemen­t in the race, at least for a few months.

Over a half-century career in politics, Feinstein rose from a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisor­s to the heights of Democratic power.

As a senator, she helped create Joshua Tree National Park in Southern California, wrote the 1994 assault weapons ban and, as the detail-oriented, hard-charging chair of the Intelligen­ce Committee, produced the 6,700-page torture report on the excesses of the war on terrorism.

In recent years, however, Feinstein has been more sidelined.

In 2020, amid questions about her ability to lead the powerful Judiciary Committee, she was forced out as the top Democrat on the panel. She was deeply disappoint­ed by the move, according to people close to her, who said she was fully competent to lead the panel and had dutifully waited her turn.

Feinstein these days struggles to recall the names of colleagues, frequently has little recollecti­on of meetings or telephone conversati­ons, and at times walks around in a state of befuddleme­nt — including about why she has been dogged by questions about whether she is fit to serve in the Senate.

“She has impressed me at every turn,” said Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del. He said over the years, “her dignified, forceful style of leadership on the Judiciary Committee, where I served with her, and on the Intelligen­ce Committee showed how much impact a senator can have.”

“She will be deeply missed,” he said.

 ?? (The New York Times/Pete Marovich) ?? Reporters surround Sen. Dianne Feinstein Tuesday on Capitol Hill after it was announced that she would not run for re-election.
(The New York Times/Pete Marovich) Reporters surround Sen. Dianne Feinstein Tuesday on Capitol Hill after it was announced that she would not run for re-election.

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