Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Netanyahu comments on remark from ally

He faults wording in call to erase city


TEL AVIV, Israel — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday said the remarks by a key Cabinet ally calling for a Palestinia­n town to be erased were inappropri­ate, after the United States demanded that he reject the statement.

In a Twitter thread posted in English shortly after midnight, Netanyahu did not appear to condemn the remarks outright and implied that the ally, Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, misspoke.

Netanyahu thanked Smotrich for later walking the comments back and “making clear that his choice of words” was “inappropri­ate.” The bulk of the thread urged the internatio­nal community to seek condemnati­ons from the Palestinia­ns over attacks against Israelis.

It appeared to be his first public response to Smotrich’s remarks since they were made on Wednesday.

Netanyahu’s Twitter thread underlines how the Israeli leader has had to balance the ideologies of the far-right members of his government with the expectatio­ns of Israel’s chief ally, the United States. Smotrich is the head of one of several ultranatio­nalist parties that help make up Netanyahu’s government, Israel’s most right-wing ever.

Jewish settlers in the occupied West Bank last week rampaged through the Palestinia­n town of Hawara, where earlier in the day two Israeli brothers were killed in a Palestinia­n shooting attack. Later in the week, Smotrich said the town should be erased — by Israeli forces and not by private citizens.

Smotrich later backtracke­d, saying he didn’t mean for Hawara to be erased but for Israel to operate surgically within it against Palestinia­n militants. Still, his earlier comments sparked an internatio­nal outcry. The U.S. called them repugnant and urged Netanyahu to “publicly and clearly reject and disavow them.” The United Nations and Middle East powerhouse­s Egypt and Saudi Arabia also condemned Smotrich’s remarks.

In a Hebrew tweet posted around the same time as his English thread, Netanyahu said even foreign diplomats make mistakes, an apparent reference to a report by Israeli Channel 12 that U.S. Ambassador to Israel Tom Nides made disparagin­g remarks about Smotrich ahead of his visit to Washington this week, saying he would “throw him off the plane,” if he could. The U.S. Embassy denied the ambassador had made the remarks.

The White House said Smotrich would not be meeting any U.S. government officials during the upcoming trip.

Smotrich, in a tweet Saturday, said he was “convinced that he didn’t mean to incite to kill me when he said I must be thrown from the plane just as I didn’t mean to harm innocents when I said Hawara must be erased.”

In his tweets, Netanyahu wrote that “it is important for all of us to work to tone down the rhetoric” amid a spiraling wave of violence between Israel and the Palestinia­ns.

“That includes speaking out forcefully against inappropri­ate statements and even correcting our own statements when we misspeak or when our words are taken out of context,” he posted.

Netanyahu then slammed the Palestinia­n Authority for not condemning Palestinia­n attacks against Israelis, and the internatio­nal community for not demanding condemnati­ons from the Palestinia­ns.

Israel has long claimed the internatio­nal community has a double standard in its expectatio­ns from Israel and the Palestinia­ns.

Israel captured the West Bank, the Gaza Strip and east Jerusalem in the 1967 Mideast war, territorie­s the Palestinia­ns seek for their future state. Israel maintains a 55-year, open-ended occupation over Palestinia­ns in the West Bank and a blockade, along with Egypt, of the Gaza Strip.

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