Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

The horse race

- Michael Barone Michael Barone is a senior political analyst for the Washington Examiner.

Twelve or 13 months from now, the race for the Republican nomination for president—and for the Democratic nomination, if there is one—will probably be over.

Prognostic­ations this far ahead of such contests have a sad history. Just ask Rudy Giuliani or Jeb Bush what it felt like when the balloon drop started after their acceptance speeches.

Neverthele­ss, something can be said about what looks to be a contest between former President Donald Trump and Gov. Ron DeSantis. The history of primary contests, since they became the dominant means of choosing presidenti­al nominees in 1972, provides some perspectiv­e.

Early on, the Democratic Party often had multicandi­date brawls that produced surprise nominees such as George McGovern, Jimmy Carter, Michael Dukakis and

Bill Clinton. Meanwhile, the Republican primaries featured one-on-one contests between nationally known contenders: Gerald Ford versus Ronald Reagan in 1976, George H.W.

Bush versus Bob Dole in 1988, and George W. Bush versus John McCain in 2000.

Since 2000, that pattern has usually been reversed. Democrats had one-on-one races in 2008 and 2016 and quickly settled on one among multiple candidates in 2004 and 2020. Republican­s, meanwhile, had multicandi­date brawls in 2008, 2012 and, with a field too large for a single debate stage, 2016.

This change reflects a change in the parties. In the 1970s, Democrats held majorities in most state legislatur­es and had many more primary voters and tended to set the rules and schedule. Now, Republican­s have more legislatur­es and about as large and rowdy a primary electorate.

Next year, Democrats may renominate their incumbent president, as they did in 1996 and 2012, while Republican­s will probably, despite the announced candidacy of former Gov. Nikki Haley, be headed to a two-candidate race.

DeSantis could compete successful­ly with Trump in the bulk of primaries and amass delegate totals to withstand Trump’s strength in states such as New York and West Virginia, whose primaries come later, much as the delegate strength Barack Obama built up in February 2008 enabled him to withstand the grueling four-month marathon with Hillary Clinton that followed.

This is in line with such multicandi­date polling as has been conducted. After the November midterm elections showed backlash against Trump-supported candidates, Trump’s lead over DeSantis dropped to 47 percent to 29 percent and is currently 44 to 29. That number is almost identical to the 45 percent of votes he received in all 2016 primaries and caucuses.

Polls by Republican firm Public Opinion Strategies taken last week show DeSantis leading Trump in Iowa and even with him in New Hampshire, with Trump approximat­ing his 2016 showings in those states. Good DeSantis showings there might winnow the field right away or after Haley’s South Carolina soon after.

Political analysts alert to any turn in opinion have noted that DeSantis’ numbers have sagged a bit in recent weeks. It may be more significan­t that the universall­y known Trump fails to win the support of 56 percent of his party’s voters. And that in head-to-head polls, Trump has usually trailed DeSantis.

Nothing is for sure yet. DeSantis hasn’t even announced he’s running, the primary and caucus schedule is not set, and there’s no guarantee that 76-year-old Trump or 80-year-old Biden will be in good health next year. But history and current polling suggest the majority of voters who don’t want to elect either of these two almost-always-negatively-rated presidents may find a way to get their way.

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