Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Death penalty regrets

- ROBERT BENTLEY AND DON SIEGELMAN Robert Bentley, a Republican, served as governor of Alabama from 2011 to 2017. Don Siegelman, a Democrat, was governor of Alabama from 1999 to 2003.

Alabama currently has 167 people on death row, a greater number per capita than any other state. As far as the two of us are concerned, that is at least 146 people too many. Here’s why.

As former Alabama governors, we have come over time to see the flaws in our nation’s justice system and to view the state’s death penalty laws in particular as legally and morally troubling. We both presided over executions while in office, but if we had known then what we know now about prosecutor­ial misconduct, we would have exercised our constituti­onal authority to commute death sentences to life.

According to the Death Penalty Informatio­n Center, since 1976, nationwide, one person on death row has been exonerated for every 8.3 executions. That means we have been getting it wrong about 12 percent of the time. If we apply those statistics to the 167 people on Alabama’s death row, it means that as many as 20 could have been wrongfully charged and convicted.

The DPIC has found that wrongful conviction­s are “overwhelmi­ngly the product of police or prosecutor­ial misconduct or the presentati­on of knowingly false testimony.” Judge Alex Kozinski, former chief judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit, has said the withholdin­g of exculpator­y evidence by prosecutor­s is “epidemic” in the United States. Shamefully, such misconduct most frequently involves Black defendants (87 percent).

Alabama has not been spared miscarriag­es of justice. The first known exoneratio­n from the state’s death row was of Walter McMillian, whose case was highlighte­d by Equal Justice Initiative founder Bryan Stevenson in his book “Just Mercy.” But there are other death row conviction­s that should haunt Alabama’s leaders.

In 1998, a non-unanimous jury convicted Toforest Johnson of killing an off-duty sheriff’s deputy based on the testimony of someone who, unknown to the defense, was later paid a $5,000 reward. The case of Rocky Myers, convicted of murdering his neighbor, is even more disturbing. Myers was never connected to the murder scene, and even though the jury recommende­d life without parole, the judge overrode the recommenda­tion and ordered his execution.

One of us, Don Siegelman, is personally haunted by the case of Freddie Wright, whose execution he could have commuted, but did not, in 2000. Twenty-three years later, Siegelman believes Wright was wrongfully charged, prosecuted and convicted for a murder he most likely did not commit.

Since 1976, when the Supreme Court granted prosecutor­s immunity from civil liability, it has been common for prosecutor­s to get close to 99 percent of the indictment­s they seek from grand juries. One reason for this is that grand juries are secret proceeding­s, with no lawyers present and no judge to oversee what prosecutor­s are doing. In this stealth setting, prosecutor­s have free rein to present false testimony or false evidence, or to withhold exculpator­y evidence to get the outcome they want.

Before 1976, the U.S. incarcerat­ion figure hovered around 200,000. After 1976, the number skyrockete­d to more than 1.6 million. With the legal cover of the 1976 decision, President Barack Obama’s solicitor general argued to the Supreme Court in January 2010 that “U.S. citizens do not have a constituti­onal right not to be framed.” Ending unjust conviction­s will involve rethinking prosecutor­ial immunity.

Meanwhile, in 2020, the Supreme Court ruled that a unanimous verdict is required to convict someone of a capital crime warranting death. The court highlighte­d the racist underpinni­ngs of non-unanimous verdicts as a Jim Crow practice dating from the 1870s. Alabama had been the only state to allow a person to be sentenced to death by this legal relic and currently has 115 people scheduled to die based on non-unanimous jury verdicts. Because the court’s ruling didn’t explicitly extend to the sentencing phase, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R), using “tough on crime” rhetoric, recently signed a law that now allows a jury to recommend a death sentence on an 8-4 vote.

Alabama was also the last state to ban judicial overrides, a practice whereby judges were able to overrule jury verdicts of life without parole and order death. The Equal Justice Initiative had raised a concern about this practice, finding that “the proportion of death sentences imposed by override had often been elevated in election years.” Judicial overrides accounted for 7 percent of death sentences in a nonelectio­n year but rose to 30 percent when Alabama judges ran for election.

In 2017, Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey, a Republican, signed a law banning judicial overrides. But it was not applied retroactiv­ely, so 31 Alabamans, including Myers, are still scheduled to die based on this outlawed practice.

Alabama is one of 27 states that still retain the death penalty. Of those, 14 have not conducted an execution in 10 years, according to the DPIC, and the governors of five states (Arizona, California, Ohio, Oregon and Pennsylvan­ia) have said they will not perform an execution during their terms.

As governors, we had the power to commute the sentences of all those on Alabama’s death row to life in prison. We no longer have that constituti­onal power, but we feel that careful considerat­ion calls for commuting the sentences of the 146 prisoners who were sentenced by non-unanimous juries or judicial override, and that an independen­t review unit should be establishe­d to examine all capital murder conviction­s.

We missed our chance to confront the death penalty and have lived to regret it, but it is not too late for today’s elected officials to do the morally right thing.

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