Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

How Arkansas’ congressio­nal delegation voted

Here is how Arkansas’ U.S. senators and U.S. representa­tives voted on major roll call votes during the week that ended Friday. KEY: ☑ FOR ☒ AGAINST ◻ NOT VOTING ⇧ PASSED ⇩ DEFEATED


Readers can visit www.VoteFacts. com for additional informatio­n on top issues and individual voting records in the current 118th Congress and recent 117th Congress.

In the week of June 19, the Senate will take up a bill setting energy-efficiency standards for household stoves and conduct votes on executive-branch and judicial nomination­s.


⇧ Regulating pistols converted to rifles. Adopted 219210, a resolution (HJ Res 44) to nullify a new Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms rule that pistols equipped with stabilizin­g braces must be registered as short-barreled rifles because the braces enable firing from the shoulder. Owners who fail to register these accessoriz­ed AR-style pistols with the ATF would face stiff fines and potential prison terms under the National Firearms Act of 1934, which requires registrati­on of machine guns and sawed-off rifles and shotguns, and the Gun Control Act of 1968, which governs interstate commerce in firearms. The vote was to repeal the rule, which was partially blocked by a federal appeals court after taking effect May 31.

Pistols equipped with braces were used in mass shootings at The Covenant School in Nashville, Tenn., in March 2023; the Club Q in Colorado Springs, Colo., in November 2022; the King Soopers market in Boulder, Colo., in March 2021 and outside a bar in Dayton, Ohio, in August 2019. Supporter Thomas Massie, R-Ky., said: “As a father and a grandfathe­r, my heart breaks when I see the victims of these deranged killers at schools and elsewhere. We need serious solutions. I think it is an insult to the victims and families that banning a piece of plastic is going to save a life – it won’t – or telling them that putting up a sign that says ‘gun-free zone’ will save a life. It won’t. It will cost lives.” Opponent Lloyd Doggett, D-Texas, said: “Guns are already the number one killer of children in our country. This year, there have been 291 mass shootings. We can count the numbers, but we can’t count the pain of an empty chair where there was once a vibrant parent or a wonderful little child who was murdered in a mass shooting. This Congress could do something about it if we could end the obstructio­n. We need to move toward reducing gun violence, not enabling it.”

A yes vote was to send the nullificat­ion measure to the Senate.

☑ Rick Crawford (R)

☑ French Hill (R)

☑ Steve Womack (R)

☑ Bruce Westerman (R)

⇩ Republican bid to censure Adam Schiff. Defeated 225-196, a resolution (H Res 489) to censure and fine Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., for his long-running pursuit of allegation­s that Donald Trump’s 2016 presidenti­al campaign conspired with Russia to influence the election outcome. As top Democrat on the House Intelligen­ce Committee during Trump’s presidency, Schiff repeatedly cited what he said was evidence of the campaign’s collusion with Russian operatives to sway the election. The censure resolution called such charges “falsehoods” that merit rebuke because they “purposely deceived his committee, Congress and the American people.” Schiff disputed the claim. A 22-month investigat­ion by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, released in March 2019, cited numerous contacts between the Trump campaign and Russians but said there was insufficie­nt evidence of a criminal conspiracy to disrupt the election. A recently released report by another special counsel, John Durham, accused the FBI of systemic bias against Trump in its probe of Russian connection­s, but Michael Horowitz, the Department of Justice inspector general, issued a report in December 2019 that found misconduct by the FBI but no evidence of political bias in its decision to investigat­e contacts between the Trump’s campaign and Russia. There was no debate on the resolution.

☒ Crawford (R)

☒ Hill (R)

☑ Womack (R)

☒ Westerman (R)

⇧ Keeping D.C. police law

on the books. Sustained 233197, President Biden’s veto of a House measure (HJ Res 42) that sought to repeal a District of Columbia police-accountabi­lity law. The tally fell short of the two-thirds majority needed to override the veto. This left in place a D.C. law intended to prevent the use of excessive force by the Metropolit­an Police Department and crack down on officer misconduct. A federal territory, D.C. has limited authority to conduct its own affairs but needs congressio­nal approval of laws passed by its city council. Override supporter Andrew Garbarino, R-N.Y., said: “With this veto, President Biden showed his disregard not only for law enforcemen­t but also for the American people whose duly elected representa­tives voted to block this harmful D.C. legislatio­n.” Opponent Jamie Raskin, D-Md., called repeal an effort “to kick around the people of Washington and not to support D.C. police officers who, after all, came to our defense on January 6, many of whom were wounded by the insurrecti­onists and ended up with broken fingers and arms and legs, and so on….”

A yes vote was to override Biden’s veto and repeal the D.C. law.

☑ Crawford (R)

☑ Hill (R)

☑ Womack (R)

☑ Westerman (R)

⇧ Congressio­nal veto of

regulation­s. Passed 221210, a Republican bill (HR 277) that would prevent major rules drafted by the executive branch from taking effect unless they receive congressio­nal approval in advance. The bill would reverse the present sequence in which Congress has authority to disapprove of new regulation­s only after they have been fully drafted or put into effect. The bill applies to rules having at least a $100 million impact on the economy. Rulemaking by Cabinet department­s and independen­t agencies is a transparen­t process that solicits comments from stakeholde­rs and the public at large. In a typical year, the executive branch drafts between 3,000 and 4,500 sets of regulation­s, or rules, to implement the few hundred major laws passed annually by Congress, according to the Office of the Federal Register. Because Congress lacks the resources and attention span needed to give volumes of real-world detail to its broadly worded laws, it historical­ly has turned the task of writing regulation­s over to civil servants in the executive branch, whose work is the target of this bill. Supporter Thomas Massie, R-Ky., asked: “Are we a government of laws or a government of the executive branch? Are we going to allow the executive branch to write the laws? Are we going to turn our Constituti­on on its head? Have we gone too far already? I would argue we have, and that is why we need [this bill]….The power of Congress has atrophied. We are almost like ombudsmen to the executive branch now.” Opponent Mary Gay Scanlon, D-Pa., said: “The regulatory process that [Republican­s] seek to frame as a battle against a vast bureaucrat­ic conspiracy is actually an essential part of ensuring that we all have clean air and water to breathe and drink; healthy food to eat; safe planes, trains and automobile­s to travel in…. Regulation­s are extremely tangible ways [by which] the federal government protects people’s health and safety and helps create a fairer economy where everyone has a chance to succeed.”

A yes vote was to send the bill to the Senate.

☑ Crawford (R)

☑ Hill (R)

☑ Womack (R)

☑ ☑ (R)

Energy-efficiency for kitchen stoves. Passed 249181, a bill (HR 1640) that would nullify a Department of Energy rule intended to increase the efficiency and safety of gas cooking tops and gasand electric-powered kitchen ovens. In addition to lowering utility bills, the rule is intended to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide and other gases that pollute households and contribute to global warming. Republican­s said the rule wrongly dictates the types of appliances available to consumers and would require many stoves now in use to be replaced. Supporter Jeff Duncan, R-S.C., said: “From day one, President Biden has waged war on American energy, doing everything possible to phase out the use of all fossil fuels, including American-produced oil and clean-burning, American-produced natural gas. Now, they are taking it a step further. They are dictating what appliances Americans can purchase for their homes.” Opponent Lloyd Doggett, D-Texas, said: “After meddling in our bedrooms and in our bathrooms…now Republican­s are turning their attention to our kitchens…. There is a growing body of science that indicates that burning natural gas increases the chances of childhood asthma and can worsen pre-existing heart and lung issues. Using gas in the home…can involve methane leaks that are important as we deal with the climate crisis.” A yes vote was to send the bill to the Senate.

☑ Crawford (R)

☑ Hill (R)

☑ Womack (R)

☑ Westerman (R)


⇧ Jared Bernstein, White House economic adviser.

Confirmed 50-49, the nomination of Jared Bernstein as chairman of the White Housebased Council of Economic Advisers, a three-person panel charged with developing the administra­tion’s economic policies. Bernstein previously served as chief economist to then-Vice President Biden and deputy chief economist at the Department of Labor, among other positions in the public and private sectors. Supporter Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, said: Bernstein has “close to four decades of economic experience. He has devoted his career to working on economic policies that ensure growth reaches all Americans, fighting to make our economy fairer – something there is a lot of talk about in here but not enough action.” Minority Leader Mitch McConnell,

R-Ky., said: Bernstein “has called abortion ‘at its core an economic issue.’ He urged Democrats to ‘take the Green New Deal seriously.’ And he praised a nearly $80 billion plan to expand IRS enforcemen­t….What a staggering lack of awareness of the way his party’s policies have hurt working families across our country.”

A yes vote was to confirm the nominee.

☒ John Boozman (R)

☒ Tom Cotton (R)

⇧ Elizabeth Allen, undersecre­tary of state. Confirmed 66-33, the nomination of Elizabeth M. Allen as undersecre­tary of state for public affairs, putting her in charge of diplomatic and exchange programs that engage foreign government­s and population­s with American institutio­ns and citizens. Allen held the position on an acting basis for the previous 14 months, working to combat disinforma­tion about Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. She previously held communicat­ions posts with former President Barack Obama and then-Vice President Joe Biden.

Supporter Robert Menendez, D-N.J., said: “Public diplomacy tools are simply the best bang for our buck when it comes to making sure we expose people around the world to American values, culture and the truth about our foreign policy efforts….As a highly quality profession­al with a distinguis­hed career and extensive experience in both public and private sectors, Ms. Allen is a nominee who will hit the ground running.”

No senator spoke in opposition to Allen.

A yes vote was to confirm the nominee.

☒ Boozman (R)

☒ Cotton (R) News Reports is a nonpartisa­n, fact-based news service whose mission is to help civically engaged individual­s and organizati­ons track major actions in the U.S. House and Senate. Readers can visit www.VoteFacts. com for additional informatio­n on top issues and individual voting records in the current 118th Congress and recent 117th Congress.

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