Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

How we were and are


The only thing wrong with Critical Race Theory is the word “theory.” It is fact that slavery, bigotry and exploitati­on of Blacks, Indians and other minorities were fundamenta­l to the founding, developmen­t and current affairs of our country. I know this because I grew up white in a small town in south Georgia; lived as an adult in four small towns and one big town in Arkansas; because I have eyes, ears and a brain; and because I can read.

I pick on the word “theory” to make a point, but it is actually appropriat­e, because CRT elevates the ugly realities of slavery and bigotry in our history to academic study. I visualize them as pinned, spread-eagle, and dissected like frogs in biology lab.

I have lived racism from the privileged side of the tracks. If kids paid attention, there would be no need to teach CRT, but I assume most are like I was and don’t see much beyond their own narrow reality. Even if students “get it” without being taught, it is absolutely necessary* for schools to validate the heritage and experience of minority students—including LGBTQ+. I believe racial attitudes translate to LGBTQ+ attitudes—just a theory. *Absolutely necessary!

I understand why “they” have made it a battle in the war against “wokers”—like me, apparently. But patriotism includes awareness of our faults and mistakes. We have reformed the worst laws, but their heavy residue** remains, going all the way back to slavery and the genocidal Indian Removal Act of 1830.

**Very heavy residue!

Our children of all races, colors and circumstan­ces should study the facts and theories of race in our history, and why it is so important to how we were and how we are.

HOWELL MEDDERS Fayettevil­le

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