Arkansas Democrat-Gazette



DEAR HELOISE: Lipstick has gotten very expensive. OPINION And, when I’m through using my lipstick, there’s still an inch or so left at the bottom. So, I use a lipstick brush, and I’m able to continue with what’s left for another month or two. Waste not, want not, as they say. Thank you for all your hints.

— Sheila S., Long Beach, Calif.

DEAR HELOISE: I want to alert women to be on the lookout for parking lot thieves. As I put away my shopping cart and put my purse in my car behind the driver’s seat, a woman in the car next to mine asked me to help her find a freeway on her phone. While I leaned into her car to help her, someone came from the other side of my car and stole my wallet. I wasn’t aware of this until I reached home and received a message from my bank.

Because the woman was nicely dressed and in a newer looking car, I never guessed she was trying to rob me.

— C.S., Riverside, Calif.

DEAR READER: I’m terribly sorry this happened to you. It just goes to show we never know what a thief might look like or what they might do. At least you weren’t physically hurt, and they didn’t get your car. Still, I know it’s a very jarring situation. Hope you’re feeling better now, but let this be a warning to all of us to be extra careful when we’re out shopping.

DEAR HELOISE: I grew up poor, but with an education and hard work, I’ve managed to acquire a very comfortabl­e position in life. My wife and I have set up a scholarshi­p fund to help students in college reach their dreams. However, I still like to do one other act of charity that, for some reason, thrills me.

While I’m at the library, I will usually leave money between the pages of a book. Sometimes it’s a $20 or a $10. At Christmas, it’s often $50. I know it’s not a fortune, but I remember the day I found $10 in a library book. That $10 kept me fed for one week when I first moved into my own apartment. I didn’t have two nickels to rub together back then, and I appreciate­d whoever left the money. Maybe someone else needs a little extra money, and this can help them.

— Joseph, Iowa

DEAR READER: That’s a very nice way to “pay it forward.”

Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

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