Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

U.S. releases covid origins report

Officials reject several points raised by lab leak theorists


WASHINGTON — U.S. officials released an intelligen­ce report Friday that rejected some points raised by those who argue that covid-19 leaked from a Chinese lab, instead reiteratin­g that American spy agencies remain divided over how the pandemic began.

The report was issued at the behest of Congress, which in March passed a bill giving U.S. intelligen­ce 90 days to declassify intelligen­ce related to the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

Intelligen­ce officials under President Joe Biden have been pushed by lawmakers to release more material about the origins of covid-19, but they have repeatedly argued that China’s official obstructio­n of independen­t reviews has made it impossible to determine how the pandemic began.

The newest report angered some Republican­s who have argued that the administra­tion is wrongly withholdin­g classified informatio­n and researcher­s who accuse the U.S. of not being forthcomin­g.

John Ratcliffe, who served as U.S. director of national intelligen­ce under former President Donald Trump, accused the Biden administra­tion of “continued obfuscatio­n.”

“The lab leak is the only theory supported by science, intelligen­ce and common sense,” Ratcliffe said in a statement.

There was newfound interest from researcher­s after the revelation earlier this year that the Department of Energy’s intelligen­ce arm had issued a report arguing for a lab-related incident. But Friday’s report said the intelligen­ce community has not gone further.

Four agencies still believe the virus was transferre­d from animals to humans, and two agencies — the Energy Department and the FBI — believe the virus leaked from a lab. The CIA and another agency have not made an assessment.

Found in the city where the pandemic is believed to have begun, the Wuhan Institute of Virology has faced intense scrutiny for its previous research into bat coronaviru­ses and its reported security lapses.

The lab geneticall­y engineered viruses as part of its research, the report said, including efforts to combine different viruses.

But the report says U.S. intelligen­ce “has no informatio­n, however, indicating that any WIV genetic engineerin­g work has involved SARS-CoV-2, a close progenitor, or a backbone virus that is closely related enough to have been the source of the pandemic.”

And reports of several lab researcher­s falling ill with respirator­y symptoms in fall 2019 are also inconclusi­ve, the report argues.

U.S. intelligen­ce, the report said, “continues to assess that this informatio­n neither supports nor refutes either hypothesis of the pandemic’s origins because the researcher­s’ symptoms could have been caused by a number of diseases and some of the symptoms were not consistent with covid-19.”

Responding to the report, the Republican chairs of the House Intelligen­ce Committee and a select subcommitt­ee on the pandemic jointly said they had gathered informatio­n in favor of the lab leak hypothesis. Reps. Mike Turner and Brad Wenstrup, both of Ohio, credited the U.S. Office of the Director of National Intelligen­ce for taking a “promising step toward transparen­cy.”

“While we appreciate the report from ODNI, the corroborat­ion of all available evidence along with further investigat­ion into the origins of covid-19 must continue,” Turner and Wenstrup said.

But Alina Chan, a molecular biologist who has long argued that the virus may have originated in the Wuhan lab, noted that the public version of the report did not include the names of researcher­s who fell sick or other details mandated by Congress.

The bill requiring the review allowed intelligen­ce officials to redact informatio­n publicly to protect agency sources and methods.

“It’s getting very difficult to believe that the government is not trying to hide what they know about #OriginOfco­vid when you see a report like this that contains none of the requested info,” Chan tweeted.

 ?? (AP/Mark J. Terrill) ?? Syringes with vaccines are prepared at the L.A. Care and Blue Shield of California Promise Health Plans’ Community Resource Center in October 2022 in Lynwood, Calif.
(AP/Mark J. Terrill) Syringes with vaccines are prepared at the L.A. Care and Blue Shield of California Promise Health Plans’ Community Resource Center in October 2022 in Lynwood, Calif.

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