Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

How Arkansas’ congressio­nal delegation voted

Here is how Arkansas’ U.S. senators and U.S. representa­tives voted on major roll call votes during the week that ended Friday.



Readers can visit for additional informatio­n on top issues and individual voting records in the current 118th Congress and recent 117th Congress. Congress is in Independen­ce Day recess in the week of June 26.

HOUSE ⇧ Republican censure of Rep. Adam Schiff.

Adopted 213-209, a Republican resolution (H Res 521) to censure Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., for his pursuit of allegation­s that Donald Trump’s 2016 presidenti­al campaign conspired with Russia to influence the election outcome. As leader of the first impeachmen­t prosecutio­n of Trump and the top Democrat on the House Intelligen­ce Committee during Trump’s presidency, Schiff repeatedly cited what he said was evidence of the campaign’s collusion with Russian operatives to sway the election. The censure resolution called these “false accusation­s” and said Schiff deserves censure having “misled the American people and brought disrepute” on the House. Censure ranks behind expulsion as the most severe punishment the House can impose on a member. A 22-month investigat­ion by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, resulting in a report released in March 2019, found numerous contacts between the Trump campaign and Russians but insufficie­nt evidence of a criminal conspiracy to disrupt the election. A recently released report by another special counsel, John Durham, accused the FBI of bias against Trump in its probe of Russian connection­s. Michael Horowitz, the Department of Justice inspector general, issued a report in December 2019 that found misconduct by the FBI but no evidence of political bias in its decision to investigat­e contacts between the campaign and Russia. Sponsor Anna Paulina Luna, R-Fla., said that as chair of the Intelligen­ce Committee, Schiff “launched an all-out political campaign built on baseless distortion­s against a sitting U.S. president….With access to sensitive informatio­n unavailabl­e to most members of Congress…[he] abused his privileges, claiming to know the truth, while leaving Americans in the dark about this web of lies….The lie that President Donald Trump colluded with Russia to steal the 2016 presidenti­al election [was] revealed to be completely false by numerous investigat­ions….” Opponent Jamie Raskin, D-Md., said: “Russia repeatedly intervened in the 2016 campaign to help Donald Trump, and that is not a matter of opinion. That is a question of direct, positive fact. Special Counsel Robert Mueller… found…‘the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidenti­al election in sweeping and systematic fashion.’ Here is what the CIA, the FBI, the NSA and the Office of the Director of the National Intelligen­ce found in 2017: ‘Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the U.S. presidenti­al election.’ The Mueller investigat­ion and the Moscow Project documented more than 250 episodes of collaborat­ion and meetings between Russia and the Trump campaign.…”

A yes vote was to censure Schiff.

✔ Rick Crawford (R)

✔ French Hill (R)

✔ Steve Womack (R)

✔ Bruce Westerman (R)

⇧ Call for impeachmen­t of President Biden.

Adopted 219-208, a resolution (H Res 529) that referred to the Judiciary and Homeland Security committees’ resolution to impeach President Biden based on what critics say is his failure to protect the southern border of the United States. The committees are charged with developing evidence and reporting their findings to the full House, but also have the option of taking no action. Sponsor Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., said: “By nullifying our immigratio­n and border security laws through a systematic lack of enforcemen­t, President Biden has not only threatened the lives of countless Americans with his fentanyl crisis and increased crime, he has threatened the very foundation of our separation of powers. When a president tramples on the Constituti­on and ignores the laws on the books, it is Congress’ solemn duty to restore our constituti­onal balance through articles of impeachmen­t….” Opponent Jim McGovern, D-Mass., said: Republican­s “are dishonorin­g this House and dishonorin­g themselves by bringing to the floor a ridiculous impeachmen­t referral resolution against Joe Biden because Donald Trump told them to….[They] are here on the floor defending a threetime loser, sexual abuser, ex-president that has been indicted more times than he has been elected. It is pathetic. Instead of dealing with their own issues, Republican­s are going after Joe Biden to try to distract and deflect.”

A yes vote was to send an impeachmen­t resolution to House committees.

✔ Crawford (R)

✔ Hill (R)

✔ Womack (R)

✔ Westerman (R)

⇧ Affordable Care Act & employer-based coverage.

Passed 220-209, a bill (HR 3799) that would write into law a Trump administra­tion rule making it easier for companies to use voucher-style plans to deliver medical insurance to workers. Known as Individual Coverage Health Reimbursem­ent Arrangemen­ts, these entities enable companies to replace group health insurance with employer-funded accounts that workers use to purchase individual policies in ACA marketplac­es. They reduce employers’ medical costs and administra­tive burdens while shifting to workers the task of navigating the federal health law.

The bill also would expand the availabili­ty of “associatio­n health plans,” which allow trade associatio­ns and profession­al groups to band together to offer medical insurance as though they were large employers, reducing costs as they scale up coverage. Such plans are exempt from compliance with many of the ACA’s essential health benefits, which apply primarily to the individual and small-group markets. Backers said the expansion would give small firms relief from the rigidity of the federal health law, while critics said it would siphon younger and healthier workers from ACA marketplac­es that depend on broadly representa­tive enrollee pools to control premium costs.

Supporter Jason Smith, R-Mo., said: “Today, we are taking another step forward to cut the bureaucrat­ic red tape holding back small businesses. We should make it easier, not harder, to give America’s workers, families, farmers and small businesses access to flexible healthcare options. Opponent Robert Scott, D-Va., called the bill “yet another recycled, futile attempt to sabotage the Affordable Care Act and actually make it harder for workers and families to find affordable, high-quality health insurance.”

A yes vote was to send the bill to the Senate.

✔ Crawford (R)

✔ Hill (R)

✔Womack (R)

✔ Westerman (R)

⇧ Biden policy on loan forgivenes­s.

Upheld 221-206, the House failed to reach a two-thirds majority needed to override President Biden’s veto of a congressio­nal resolution (HJ Res 45) that sought to revoke the policy of forgiving up to $20,000 of debt for an estimated 43 million low- to middle-income individual­s who received student loans from the federal government for undergradu­ate education. Biden’s executive order does not affect loans by private lenders. Legal challenges have prevented the nine-month-old directive from taking effect, and the Supreme Court is expected to rule soon on its constituti­onality. Override supporter Virginia Foxx, R-N.C., said: Americans “are not fooled by the deceptive, doctored-up talking points on student loans that the left has attempted to forcefeed them over the past two years….There is no such thing as forgivenes­s. This entire scheme is nothing more than a transfer of wealth from those who willingly took on debt to those who did not or had the grit to pay off their loans.” Opponent Robert Scott, D-Va., said: “The people who would be impacted are not the wealthy and well-connected – 90 percent of the relief would go to borrowers earning less than $75,000 a year, and you are not even eligible if you are making more than $125,000. That is in stark contrast to the Trump tax scam where 80 percent of the benefits went to the top 1 percent and corporatio­ns.”

A yes vote was to overturn the presidenti­al veto.

✔ Crawford (R)

✔Hill (R)

✔Womack (R)

✔ Westerman (R)

SENATE ⇩ Regulation of pistols converted to rifles.

Defeated 49-50, a resolution (HJ Res 44) that sought to revoke a new Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms rule that pistols equipped with stabilizin­g braces must be registered as short-barreled rifles because the braces enable firing from the shoulder. Owners who fail to register these accessoriz­ed AR-style pistols with the ATF would face stiff fines and potential prison terms under the National Firearms Act of 1934, which requires registrati­on of machine guns and sawedoff rifles and shotguns, and the Gun Control Act of 1968, which governs interstate commerce in firearms. The Senate upheld the rule.

Pistols equipped with braces were used in mass shootings at The Covenant School in Nashville, Tenn., in March 2023; the Club Q in Colorado Springs, Colo., in November 2022; the King Soopers market in Boulder, Colo., in March 2021 and outside a bar in Dayton, Ohio, in August 2019. Repeal supporter John Kennedy, R-La., said: “The issue today is very simple. It is whether President Biden’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms’ new rule, in effect, banning – or at a minimum severely restrictin­g – pistol braces is a reasonable restrictio­n under the Constituti­on. That is what we are discussing today.” Opponent Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., said: The regulation “doesn’t ban pistol-bracing; it simply requires that gun owners register them…. Today, we have a choice. Either we allow shooters to turn pistols into powerful, accurate, easily hidden rifles, with total impunity, or we have the courage to protect our communitie­s.”

A yes vote was to revoke the rule.

✔ John Boozman (R)

✔ Tom Cotton (R) News Reports is a nonpartisa­n, fact-based news service whose mission is to help civically engaged individual­s and organizati­ons track major actions in the U.S. House and Senate. Readers can visit for additional informatio­n on top issues and individual voting records in the current 118th Congress and recent 117th Congress.

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