Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Dream-hacking could aid creativity


In our competitiv­e society, some consider it a badge of honor to get only four or five hours of sleep a night, or pull all-nighters in the service of work. Don’t even think about naps.

But sleep may have more benefits than just making you sharper and more alert during your waking hours. Sleep also brings dreams, and these, according to new research, can give shape to creative ideas that come to us like gifts from a muse.

While you sleep, your brain isn’t idle. It’s still working for you, and now scientists have found ways to direct dreams and squeeze more creative juice from them.

Even if you don’t remember what happened in a dream, synaptic pathways are changing in the brain, said Harvard Medical School psychiatri­st Robert Stickgold, who has been studying dreams for decades. Associatio­ns are made then strengthen­ed while we sleep, he said, and that can lead to those ideas we get and wonder where they came from.

Thomas Edison, Mary Shelley and Paul McCartney all reported creative ideas coming from dreams. Salvador Dali even wrote of his own dream-hacking technique: napping as he held a key over a plate so it would fall and wake him in time to remember his dreams and make artistic use of them.

Dali was on to something. There’s a phase called N1, right as you’re first falling asleep, when your dreams are most likely to follow from the thoughts you’re having as you drift off, and when a well-timed suggestion can steer the course of your dreams.

Building on Dali’s experiment but using a device that detects the onset of N1, Stickgold and a group of researcher­s from the Massachuse­tts Institute of Technology showed they could induce people to dream about a particular subject and that doing so helped them become more creative, at least temporaril­y. They published their findings last month in Scientific Reports.

Until the last few years, dream research wasn’t respectabl­e science, Stickgold said. It was nearly impossible to get funding. The primary form of data were people’s reports of their own dreams, which were considered too subjective, too idiosyncra­tic to study in a rigorous way.

But a little over 20 years ago, Stickgold had a breakthrou­gh idea following a dream. He’d been on a hiking trip that involved climbing on some rocky terrain. “As I was going to bed, I could literally feel myself back on the rocks,” he said.

He thought this might have something to do with his brain storing what he’d learned on the mountain. He asked his students how they might go about studying this phenomenon in the lab, and someone suggested Tetris, a video game that involves rotating falling shapes. In a study published in 2000, he and colleagues showed that some volunteers who played the game would have visual dreams about the falling shapes—even several subjects who suffered from amnesia.

In his new study, conducted with Adam Haar, Kathleen Esfahany and Thomas Vega from the MIT Media lab, the team wanted to see how dreams influence what’s called divergent creativity: the generation of new ideas, or thinking out of the box. In the other form, convergent creativity, the mind pieces together diverse clues to solve a problem.

The MIT researcher­s had developed a device dubbed a Dormio, which fits over a person’s hand and monitors skin conductivi­ty, muscle tension, temperatur­e and pulse, which together can indicate the stages of sleep to show the N1 phase had started. At just the right moment, the device would ask the subjects to think about trees, and then it would wake them up every few minutes and ask them to recount their dreams, which it recorded.

About 70 percent of subjects getting the tree prompt dreamt about trees; some had up to five dreams about trees. One dreamed of being much bigger than trees and “eating them like finger food,” while another dreamed of being an “oak king” with wooden arms and legs and leaves for a crown. Those who experience­d more dreams about trees scored higher on creativity tests, a vindicatio­n of Dali and his fellow creative dreamers.

The findings should remind us that the line between productivi­ty and resting is blurry, especially in creative endeavors. It’s possible that in our productivi­ty-obsessed society, people will keep skimping on sleep and then try to use dream-hacking to stay productive 24/7. But ideally these new revelation­s about dreams and creativity will move us toward more balance, giving sleep and even naps some much needed respectabi­lity.

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