Arkansas Democrat-Gazette



At the final of the 2022 trials to select the USA1 team for the under-26 World Youth Championsh­ips, the favored Kolesnik team was 65 internatio­nal match points down in mid-match. After a lucky swing on a grand slam hand, their eventual win was significan­tly helped by this deal.

North’s three-club cue bid was supposed to show a good hand in context, but South read it as spade support.Against four spades, the defenders led two rounds of clubs, the second being ruffed by South, Brent Xiao. If the hearts did not come in, declarer needed a miracle holding of queen-doubleton in spades onside to avoid the loss of a second trump trick. When declarer crossed to the diamond ace and led a spade to the jack, the defenders forced the South hand. Now when declarer led a further trump, another minor-suit lead pumped declarer again, and he ended up three down.

Declarer probably should have made the assumption that hearts were 2-2, rather than allowing for a miracle trump layout. Moreover, West might have led a singleton heart if he had one. In that case, declarer’s safest play is to lead the spade king out of hand at trick three. He ruffs the next club and continues with the spade jack. The defenders must force declarer again, but the diamond ace remains as an entry to the winning spade 10.

At the other table, North-South were doubled in their heart game. West might have set the game on a low club lead, but a more normal top club lead meant 14 IMPs went the way of Team Kolesnik.

ANSWER: You could have a game on with your spade support and an ace on the side, so there is some sort of case for keeping the bidding open.A lot of two-over-one pairs play a raise of a major as constructi­ve. If you do, you must bid a forcing one no-trump and then give preference to spades. This may also make it much harder for the opponents to compete, whereas they can balance without risk if you pass here.

If you would like to contact Bobby Wolff, email him at

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