Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

In the news


■ Amber Worrick of suburban Detroit said “it was alive and moving” after she and her daughter got a scare when they discovered a frog in a sealed package of spinach, claiming a refund and realizing, “Just thank God I didn’t eat the frog.”

■ Andrew Nickels of Carmel, Ind., was indicted over a threat to a Michigan municipal clerk after the 2020 election, with prosecutor­s citing an expletive-laced voicemail saying “million plus patriots will surround you when you least expect it.”

■ Katie Rinderle, a fifthgrade teacher at Due West Elementary in suburban Atlanta, awaits the recommenda­tion of a panel of retired principals as she tries to reverse her firing for reading the picture book “My Shadow Is Purple,” which touches on gender fluidity.

■ Tanya McLean of Leaders of Kenosha in Wisconsin said it “doesn’t seem that anyone was a voice of reason that had a uniform on” as police investigat­e a video that appears to show an officer punching a Black man mistakenly believed to have been involved in a hitand-run.

■ Brian Kelsey, a former Tennessee state senator, was sentenced to 21 months in prison for violating campaign finance laws after first describing the case as a “political witch hunt” and later trying to retract his guilty plea.

■ Ken Ross of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals in Putnam County, N.Y., called it “probably the worst case that we’ve ever seen” after an alert turned up a miniature poodle covered in 8 pounds of fur that concealed much of its face.

■ Jeff Schrieber, a Michigan state trooper, said it felt “like needles going in your face as you’re going through the corn at a high rate of speed with the dog,” named Woodson, but a woman who had been missing for two days after being seriously hurt in a car crash was found in a dense cornfield.

■ James Clark of Falmouth, Mass., faces up to five years in prison for sending threats to Arizona’s secretary of state, with prosecutor­s saying he warned her she had to “resign … or the explosive device impacted in her personal space will be detonated.”

■ Michelle Lespron of Tucson, Ariz., used only her guest bathroom for weeks, no longer enters the main bathroom in the dark and lifts the lid ever so slowly after living out a horror movie, discoverin­g a blackand-pink coachwhip snake perhaps 4 feet long curled up in her toilet.

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