Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

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Editor, The Commercial:

I just read the article on Tom Cotton’s bloviation for his fellow believers . I’ll not go into everything here that I’d like to, but Cotton seems to be simple minded enough to think readers will not question his spew.

Inflation DID go up, both under Trump and under Biden. The covid infection at the outset was deadly to many who got it and flooded the medical care facilities. People still have to eat and drink and pay their bills. That required folks who had to actually hazard their lives to go to work and provide what the society HAD to have.

In order for employers to get their services they were compelled to give substantia­l raises to essential workers. They were not prevented by law from raising prices across the board to recoup the extra money they paid for essential workers’ raises. That was the case for nearly ALL sellers of commoditie­s of any kind. Check the profit vs loss records for the corporate providers and you find this borne out. Prices rose and remained higher after the pandemic receded because the employers could not justify decreasing wages.

It was not Biden OR Trump who caused the inflation , but the willingnes­s of corporate entities to gouge the vulnerable populace rather than take a cut in profits that their shareholde­rs expected to continue as before the pandemic.

The Book speaks of the LOVE of money being the root of all evil. That is understood as what will be done to the vulnerable, the defenseles­s and the poor in order for those without moral compunctio­ns to continue in their status of the well off and privileged!

Do your own research and some thinking before being led down the primrose path by a delusional egotist that would exploit your ignorance if you don’t get the knowledge to know better! Ignorance is what you don’t know about. Not to be confused with the word “stupidity.”


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