Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Kosovo gunbattles leave 4 dead

Serb gunmen storm monastery as tensions mount amid talks

- ZENEL ZHINIPOTOK­U AND LLAZAR SEMINI Informatio­n for this article was contribute­d by Jovana Gec and Dusan Stojanovic of The Associated Press.

PRISTINA, Kosovo — Dozens of Serb gunmen dressed in combat uniforms killed a Kosovar Albanian police officer, then stormed an Orthodox monastery in Kosovo near its border with Serbia, setting off gunbattles that left three assailants dead and further raised tensions between the two former wartime foes as they seek to normalize ties.

Kosovo police surrounded Banjska, a village located 35 miles north of Kosovo’s capital where the monastery is located, and the gunfire was continuing, according to Prime Minister Albin Kurti. Kosovo’s interior minister stated later Sunday that the area was under control but he did not say if the gunmen had left.

The Kosovo Diocese of the Serbian Orthodox Church said a temple of the monastery in Banjska was locked down after the gunmen stormed it. A group of pilgrims from Serbia was inside the temple along with an abbot.

Kurti said the attack was supported by Serbia. Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic spoke later Sunday in Belgrade to say the gunmen were local Kosovo Serbs “who no longer want to stand Kurti’s terror.”

Vucic condemned the killing of the Kosovo policeman, saying it “cannot be justified,” but still said the clash was the result of “brutal” pressure on Kosovo Serbs by the Kosovo government. He denied that Belgrade had anything to do with the attack.

Asked how come the Serb gunmen were photograph­ed wearing combat uniforms, Vucic said anyone can purchase such uniforms in ordinary shops and that the ones seen did not belong to the Serbian military or police force.

“The only culprit for what happened in Kosovo … is Albin Kurti,” said Vucic, also blasting the West and its “hypocrisy” when it comes to Kosovo.

“You can kill us all. Serbia will never recognize the independen­ce of Kosovo, that monster creation that you made by bombing Serbia,” Vucic said.

Serbia and its former province, Kosovo, have been at odds for decades. Their 199899 war left more than 10,000 people dead, mostly Kosovo Albanians. Kosovo unilateral­ly declared independen­ce in 2008 but Belgrade has refused to recognize the move.

Earlier this month, an EU-facilitate­d meeting in Brussels between Kurti and Vucic to normalize ties ended in acrimony. The United States has supported the negotiatio­ns and the EU’s position in trying to resolve the ongoing source of tension in the Balkans.

On Sunday, the Kosovo diocese said gunmen in an armored vehicle stormed the monastery, breaking down the locked gate and shooting guns. “Armed, masked men move around the courtyard and occasional gunshots are heard,” it said.

Earlier Sunday, Prime Minister Kurti said “masked profession­als armed with heavy weapons” launched the attack, opening fire on a police patrol at about 3 a.m. in Banjska near the monastery.

Interior Minister Xhelal Svecla said they had arrested 6 gunmen, 2 of whom were injured, and found “an “extraordin­arily large amount of weaponry and ammunition, explosives.”

Three of the assailants were killed. One police officer has been killed and two others injured, the last during the armed confrontat­ion, apparently near the monastery at the village, authoritie­s said.

At a news conference Kurti described the armed assailants as “an organized profession­al unit who have come to fight in Kosovo,” calling on them to hand themselves over to Kosovar authoritie­s.

Police said the situation remained tense while “gunfire attacks against police units continue with the same intensity from the moving criminal groupings.”

Kosovo police said the attack began when three police units were dispatched to a bridge at the entrance to the village that had been blocked by trucks. The police officers came under fire from weapons that included hand grenades and bombs and one was killed. The armed men then stormed the monastery.

Kurti called it a “sad day” for Kosovo, identifyin­g the dead police officer as Afrim Bunjaku.

Local roads and two borders crossings into Serbia were closed. Most of Kosovo’s ethnic Serb minority lives in four municipali­ties around Mitrovica, in the north.

“It was a real little war: first some gunfire, then silence, shootings, detonation­s,” Serbian news agency Kossev quoted an unidentifi­ed resident as saying.

Kurti wrote on his Facebook page that “Organized crime, which is politicall­y, financiall­y and logistical­ly supported from Belgrade, is attacking our state.”

The speaker of Serbia’s parliament, Vladimir Orlic, responded that Kurti “was quick to blame the Serbs” but actually was the one who wanted an “escalation.”

 ?? (AP/Kosovo Police) ?? A group of armed, masked men stand in front of the Banjska Monastery in the same village in north Kosovo, on Sunday.
(AP/Kosovo Police) A group of armed, masked men stand in front of the Banjska Monastery in the same village in north Kosovo, on Sunday.

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