Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

France to pull troops, diplomats out of Niger

- ANGELA CHARLTON AND DALATOU MAMANE Informatio­n for this article was contribute­d by Sam Mednick and Chinedu Asadu of The Associated

PARIS — President Emmanuel Macron announced Sunday that France will end its military presence in Niger and pull its ambassador out of the country as a result of the coup that removed the democratic­ally elected president.

Niger’s junta said in response that the announceme­nt signals a “new step toward the sovereignt­y” of the country.

“Imperialis­t and neo-colonialis­t forces are no longer welcome on our national territory. The new era of cooperatio­n, based on mutual respect and sovereignt­y, is already underway,” it said in a statement.

The announceme­nt was a significan­t, if expected, blow to France’s policy in Africa, with French troops having had to pull out of neighborin­g Mali and Burkina Faso in recent years after coups there. France had stationed thousands of troops in the Sahel region at the request of African leaders to fight Islamic extremist groups.

France has maintained about 1,500 troops in Niger since the July coup, and had repeatedly refused an order by the new junta for its ambassador to leave, saying that France didn’t recognize the coup leaders as legitimate.

Tensions had mounted in recent weeks between France and Niger, a former French colony, and Macron said recently that French diplomats were surviving on military rations as they holed up in the embassy.

Macron’s announceme­nt came after the coup leaders issued a statement earlier Sunday that they were closing Niger’s airspace to French planes, commercial and military, so that the new leadership could “retake total control of its skies and its territory. The decision did not apply to other internatio­nal aircraft.

Ali Sekou Ramadan, an aide to Niger’s deposed President Mohamed Bazoum, told The Associated Press that Bazoum requested that Macron withdraw the French ambassador, Sylvain Itte, “in order to reduce tension.”

In an interview with the France-2 and TF1 television networks, Macron said he spoke to Bazoum on Sunday and told him that “France has decided to bring back its ambassador, and in the coming hours our ambassador and several diplomats will return to France.”

He added, “and we will put an end to our military cooperatio­n with the Niger authoritie­s because they don’t want to fight against terrorism any more.”

He said the troops would be gradually pulled out, likely by the end of the year, in coordinati­on with the coup leaders, “because we want it to take place peacefully.”

Macron said France’s military presence was in response to a request from Niger’s government at the time. That military cooperatio­n between France and Niger had been suspended since the coup, however. The junta leaders claimed Bazoum’s government wasn’t doing enough to protect the country from the insurgency.

The junta is now under sanctions by Western and regional African powers.

Insa Garba Saidou, a local activist who assists Niger’s new military rulers with their communicat­ions, said they would continue to monitor developmen­ts until the French ambassador leaves the country. He also demanded a clear deadline for the withdrawal of the French troops.

“This announceme­nt from the French president announces the victory of the people of Niger. However, we are going to take it with a lot of reservatio­n because I no longer believe in Mr. Macron,” Saidou said.

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