Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Super efficient Dumbbell Uppercut maximizes effort


The advent of GLP-1 weight loss medication­s has taken the nation by storm. Drug makers are raking in billions as consumers seek prescripti­ons to help treat obesity, even if it’s not cov- ered by their insurance. At $800 to $1,200 per month, the “glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonists” are not an inexpensiv­e option.

I always knew that a day would come when modern medicine created “weight loss in a pill,” or in this case, an injection. Behavior change is hard, which is why 50% of people who start an exercise program fail within the first six weeks. So, I understand why Americans are rushing to their physician for a GLP-1 obesity solution. I’m just not sure it’s a good thing in all cases.

Physical activity, exercise and a healthy diet are not sold in an injection. The benefits of living an active life go well beyond body weight and expand into mental health, cardiovasc­ular health, musculoske­letal strength and so much more. Weight loss is great, but my fear is that people will confuse weight loss with overall health improvemen­t and use GLP-1 medication­s as one more reason not to exercise.

Maybe my fear is unfounded, and I sure hope that’s the case. Certainly I’m biased, as I’ve spent decades helping people reach their own health potential through lifestyle modificati­ons like physical activity. But I also recognize that everyone starts in a different place, and if one round of GLP-1 treatment motivates someone to start exercising — then that’s a good thing.

For those thinking about jumping on the GLP-1 bandwagon, I’d encourage that healthy eating and physical activity become part of the treatment plan. This will allow people to experience the benefits of active living and a nutrient-rich diet along with the weight loss effects of the medication.

This week’s exercise is a great option for those looking to burn maximum calories during a strength-training session. The Dumbbell Uppercut is an exercise I’ve prescribed for clients interested in weight management, as it’s super efficient from an expenditur­e standpoint.

1. Select a pair of light dumbbells and hold one in each hand.

2. While standing, hold the dumbbells against your chest with your palms facing toward you.

3. Bend the knees and hips slightly.

4. Squat down a few inches.

5. As you stand back up, extend the right arm over your head while keeping the palm facing you.

6. Squat back down again, and allow the right arm to move back to the starting position.

7. Repeat with the left side.

8. Continue alternatin­g sides with little squats.

9. Perform two sets of 15. This is the kind of exercise that increases heart rate, respiratio­n rate and perspirati­on rate. And yet, foot position really doesn’t change throughout the movement. Let’s get to work and burn some calories today!

Director of business developmen­t and population health solutions for Quest Diagnostic­s, Matt Parrott began this column Jan. 6, 2003, at Little Rock. He loves to hear from readers. Write to him at:

 ?? (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Celia Storey) ?? Josh Holt, fitness director of Little Rock Racquet Club, demonstrat­es the Dumbbell Uppercut.
(Arkansas Democrat-Gazette/Celia Storey) Josh Holt, fitness director of Little Rock Racquet Club, demonstrat­es the Dumbbell Uppercut.

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