Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

The longest play

- Cal Thomas Cal Thomas is a columnist for the Tribune Content Agency.

Agatha Christie’s “The Mousetrap” is the longest running show of any kind in the world. It opened Nov. 25, 1952, at the Ambassador­s Theatre in London and is still running.

The second longest play appears to be the one we are seeing with increased frequency in Washington. Call it the government shutdown. It’s less entertaini­ng and costs far more to watch than a ticket to Christie’s whodunnit.

If a shutdown occurs soon, both parties will share the blame this time. Democrats usually force the issue, but now a few House Republican­s are refusing (so far) to agree to appropriat­ions bills unless they get their way on spending cuts. While their goal is noble, it is a fool’s errand because the votes aren’t there in the Senate and the president retains his veto power.

What aggravates is the refusal by members of both parties to address the whopping $33 trillion debt and the effect it will soon have on the economy and the country’s future fiscal health. Social Security and Medicare have long been the main drivers of debt, along with other unfunded mandates, but politician­s don’t want to reform these programs for fear it will hurt them in their prospects for re-election.

There are other less contentiou­s ways of beginning reductions in spending. The conservati­ve Heritage Foundation has come up with seven examples of outrageous earmarks in just the Senate spending package. While miniscule, it’s a start.

Heritage Policy Analyst David Ditch lists them:

1. New York Democratic Senators Chuck Schumer and Kirsten Gillibrand want to send $1 million to WE ACT for Environmen­tal Justice. The program would link intersecti­onality to grievances based on race.

2. $35 million for balloons in Michigan.

3. $300,000 for the NAACP’s Baltimore headquarte­rs.

4. Alaska Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski is sponsoring an earmark to give $4 million to the tiny city of Pelican, Alaska, for a sewer. Only 98 people live in Pelican. The cost equates to $40,816 per person.

5. Pennsylvan­ia Democratic Senators Bob Casey and John Fetterman back a $1 million gift to the William Way LGBT Community Center in Philadelph­ia. The House Appropriat­ions Committee rejected this earmark, but it’s back in the Senate version.

6. Senators Susan Collins (R-Maine) and Angus King (I-Maine) have earmarked $20.5 million for the tiny Presque Isle Internatio­nal Airport. The amount is larger than what is given to most major hubs.

7. New Hampshire Democrat Senator Jeanne Shaheen wants $2.5 million for a recreation­al project in the small town of Franklin to create “in-river features for Olympic-style competitio­n” for sports such as kayaking and slalom.

As David Ditch notes: “While stopping one or all these absurd boondoggle­s would not make much of a dent in the national debt, it would mark a rare victory for common sense and fiscal sanity.”

Common sense and sanity are not the first words that come to mind when dealing with congressio­nal spending. They can’t help themselves because they aren’t spending their money. They’re spending our money and borrowing the rest. It’s a form of vote buying.

The federal government takes in record amounts of revenue, so income isn’t the problem. Unrestrain­ed spending is the problem. One can choose not to see a repeat performanc­e of a stage play, but this seemingly perpetual scenario will only “close” when voters turn out the profligate spenders. That is unlikely to happen until more of us stop relying on government as a first resource, instead of a last resort.

Writing as Poor Richard, Benjamin Franklin said: “The second vice is lying; the first is running in debt.” If only more members of Congress would heed his warning. If a shutdown happens it will be a plague on both parties and on both congressio­nal chambers, as well as the country.

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