Arkansas Democrat-Gazette



DEAR HELOISE: A few years back, one of our police chiefs held an “Empower Her Day,” which featured classes that taught us how to beware of our surroundin­gs at all times.

They also taught us to always carry your keys and phone on your body at all times, as your safety could depend on it. You never know when you might have to leave your home in a hurry, when an emergency could arise or if you’ll accidental­ly get locked outside. — Joan Parkison, Fort Wayne, Ind.

DEAR HELOISE: I have sprouted avocado pits for years and enjoy the pretty plants that bloom as a result. Recently, I have been finding pits in mandarin oranges — three last night actually. I’ve since planted several in small containers, and they have sprouted. As they grow, I’ll put them in larger pots. The leaves are shiny and attractive.

I had an orange tree that grew to 3 feet before aphids got to it. I think this might be a fun activity for children to do as well. — Carolyn McDonough, via email

DEAR HELOISE: Calling all pet owners. I have a tip: Walk your dogs in your neighborho­od. It will make them familiar with their area, and it will make your neighbors more familiar with your pet. It’s helpful for your neighbors to recognize them in the event that they get out of their restricted area.

Also, leave a piece of your used clothing at the front door or porch so that pets can smell it and know that they’re home. My dog knows all the neighbors and looks forward to a visit every now and then — but on a leash, of course. Thanks. — Sandra McGee, via email

DEAR READERS: Brush the top of fresh homemade bread with white or cider vinegar just before it’s done. Then return it to the oven for the last few minutes. This will give your crust a beautiful shine.

DEAR HELOISE: I live on a rural post office route. I decided to put a stiff place mat in my mailbox because it gets so hard to reach mail that is too far back, especially when you’re in your car. Now when I want to get my mail, I simply slide out the stiff mat, and it makes getting the mail so much easier. I’ve been doing this for about five years. — J.H., in North Carolina

Send a money- or time-saving hint to Heloise, P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, Texas 78279-5000; fax to (210) 435-6473; or email

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