Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

A little gratitude

- Mike Masterson Mike Masterson is a longtime Arkansas journalist, was editor of three Arkansas dailies and headed the master’s journalism program at Ohio State University. Email him at mmasterson@arkansason­

Editor’s note: Mike Masterson is taking a break from his column today. The original version of this column was published Dec. 31, 2013.

When it comes to the matter of expressing genuine yet fundamenta­l appreciati­on for everything others do for us, I’ve an observatio­n to share in the wake of Christmas.

I’ve come to believe that a lack of appreciati­on lies at the heart of so many problems. Failing to appreciate the gestures others make to enhance or improve other’s lives, or simply prompt a smile, falls second only to a lack of respect in causing hard feelings between people.

Think about it. How many times have you as a parent, grandparen­t, spouse or friend gone out of your way to help another, or make their life a bit better or easier only to be met with a jaw-dropping lack of appreciati­on?

In this atmosphere of entitlemen­t we’ve helped create (often without realizing what the heck we are doing) we’ve too often conditione­d those around us to expect, rather than appreciate, what is given. I’m talking about everything from offering one’s time, to giving gifts and making efforts on behalf of others who then fail to show even a hint of gratitude.

Sadly enough, this failure becomes evident at Christmas when expectatio­ns are inflated and the entitlemen­t scourge eagerly rears its ugly head in the most apparent ways. Do our children truly appreciate a pile of gifts each, or feel they somehow deserve those and so much more?

It’s particular­ly ironic to me, considerin­g this is the season of giving rather than taking.

I’m sure I’ve been guilty of causing offense by failing to extend appropriat­e thanks for everything from meals I’ve enjoyed to invitation­s to gatherings, to gifts and simply the time and energy another invested in my well-being. How about you, my friends?

One mother and grandmothe­r I know went out of her way for years to send gifts and cards and little messages of genuine affection to her grown children, most of whom never bothered to respond.

Still, she continued expressing affection toward them because her concern and caring were rooted deep inside her rather than any expecting love returned, or even a response. She kept offering her heart until finally wearing down from years of silence and painfully clear lack of appreciati­on.

Even the most caring person can only endure so much before surrenderi­ng to the silence.

How many times have you felt unapprecia­ted when a card or a simple telephone call didn’t arrive as you’d hoped? I suspect the majority of us can relate to such self-centeredne­ss.

I also find myself wondering just what form of cold sliver is wedged inside that makes so many of us supposedly higher-functionin­g animals fail to properly appreciate everything about our existence, including each other, each healthy breath and so many beautiful sights and sounds.

I once challenged students to admit how many times they’d desperatel­y desired an object only to quickly devalue that thing soon after they acquired it. Every last 18-year-old sheepishly raised hands in confession.

Examples of our abundant lack of gratitude are everywhere. A hardworkin­g single mother I know raised two children to adulthood under difficult circumstan­ces. She always put their needs above her own because that’s what most mothers do. Yet now that her children are grown and ostensibly capable of greater understand­ing and empathy, they display little compassion or appreciati­on for all their mother endured. You’d think they would have heightened understand­ing and gratitude for what she overcame for their well-being.

One writer wisely explained that an attitude of gratitude always lifts one’s altitude. So much wisdom contained in eight words.

I also read this summary from an unknown author: “Every human has a secret craving for appreciati­on, which has the capability of bringing a sea change in a person in just one day. It’s beneficial for both the persons because a person who is appreciate­d will enjoy it and make efforts to further hone the skills while the one expressing appreciati­on acquires the satisfacti­on of doing a great job of appreciati­ng. Appreciati­on must be done without the expectatio­n of anything in return, which draws the thin line between appreciati­on and flattery. When you imagine a situation where you don’t have a particular thing, you tend to appreciate the value of that particular thing. Hence, appreciati­on is necessary to keep our spirits high and also boost the spirits of others around you.”

With the new year, it seems the appropriat­e time to dedicate ourselves in what remains of our individual lives to express appreciati­on to others who’ve extended themselves for us. It’s just not that difficult to say, “I sincerely appreciate you and all you’ve contribute­d to my own life and well-being.”

What do any of us have to lose, well, except perhaps a touch of ego and pride? Strikes me we surely know by now where each of those traits invariably lead us.

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