Arkansas Democrat-Gazette



DEAR HELOISE: I’m known as a young profession­al, OPINION and I use my cellphone several times a day. A few days ago, a co-worker asked me why I hadn’t updated my phone to a newer model — something “more hip” to impress the clients, he told me. Honestly, I’m not interested in impressing anyone with the phone I use. My current phone is not even 2 years old and does everything I need it to do.

Most of my co-workers drive very expensive cars, for which they had to go into debt to buy. The majority of them are always complainin­g that the repairs, upkeep and insurance costs are putting a real strain on their income.

So, why do they buy these overpriced luxury vehicles? Just to impress the boss and clients? A few even go so far as to rent cars because they can’t afford to own a luxury car.

I, on the other hand, own a 3-year-old car that looks like it’s brand-new. I’ve been urged to get a newer car, and I might at the end of 2024 or 2025. But I’m not in a hurry, and it won’t be an expensive car that is beyond my means.

We live in a culture that is too eager to impress people with what we have. Why buy new if what we have is good enough or looks well-maintained? I believe Americans throw away too many things that are still in good shape simply because they want to appear more prosperous than others. They worry that it’s out-of-date, or they’re bored by what they own. Few people stop and ask, “Is this a need or a want?” If it’s a want, it can usually wait until you can afford it, and even then, you still might want to rethink that purchase.

Maybe I’m out of step with others in my generation, but I like to live within my means. If I don’t have the latest version of something, so what?!

— M.R.K., Long Beach, Calif. DEAR M.R.K.: Well said. If debt is keeping you awake at night, you might want to talk to a financial adviser or an attorney to see how you can get a handle on your finances. It’s nice to have a shiny, new object, but it’s not fun to worry about how you will pay for it.

DEAR HELOISE: When traveling in an SUV loaded up with luggage, we put a fitted sheet over the contents so that nothing can be seen through the windows to tempt anyone!

— D.P., via email

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