Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Send munitions now


For the Republican Party to withhold military aid to Ukraine until we secure the southern border is incomprehe­nsible. For the world to see one of America’s political parties resort to blackmail solely for the purpose of getting votes from their base is disgracefu­l and a travesty. To delay our help is basically murdering the innocent Ukrainian civilians who will be killed by missiles supplied by North Korea and Iran.

The Republican­s’ “border crisis” hasn’t been fixed in the past 100 years, and probably won’t be fixed in the next 100 years. Ukraine needs any supplies we can deliver yesterday. What would have happened to England if in 1940 or 1941 we wouldn’t send them supplies until an end was put to illegal whiskey smuggling from Canada? Now is the time to send supplies.

Some members of Congress have falsely stated that the money spent is adding to America’s debt. The M777 howitzers were older models without the trajectory computers. The cluster shells and the ATACMS that we need to be sending Ukraine are old and we would have to be paying a contractor to dispose of them.

This is equipment that was bought and paid for years ago. It is American companies who will be hiring American workers to replace any supplies we send. The money never leaves America.

Ukraine can defeat Russia if America will send the supplies it needs

now. Russia has been our adversary since they subjugated half of Europe after World War II. The billions of dollars spent on our military budget was spent to defeat the Russians. The Ukrainians will defeat the Russians if we give them what they need.


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