Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Misinforme­d on DEI


I was so disappoint­ed that the Democrat-Gazette chose Martin Luther King Jr. Day, of all days, to publish Bradley R. Gitz’s column titled “DEI isn’t about DEI.” On the day that we honor the great civil rights leader, Gitz spreads misinforma­tion about DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) efforts in business.

Gitz is entitled to his opinion. He even has the right to spread misinforma­tion about it, as I have the right to point out his factual errors. This is not the first time that Gitz has used his column to publicize how uninformed he is in this area. But the timing appears purposeful and adds insult to injury.

DEI efforts are not above criticism; of course there is room for improvemen­t. But Gitz’s criticisms are based on his misunderst­anding of DEI processes. It seems Gitz has a bias that assumes a hiring choice made to add ideas and perspectiv­es from someone who isn’t like him can’t possibly be deserved. His belief that DEI doesn’t care about merit is prepostero­us. I am certain that some DEI efforts go offtrack, but the benefit of DEI is sound.

Long before DEI was a thing, white men were granted preference for hundreds of years. Where is Gitz’s outrage about that? At the same time, there have always been underquali­fied people getting hired (nepotism, favors, Bobby Petrino’s girlfriend). To act like DEI invented preferenti­al treatment is ridiculous.

I wish I had the space to refute all of the misinforma­tion in Gitz’s column, but I do not. I sincerely hope Gitz makes an effort to become informed about DEI before he next tackles the subject.


North Little Rock

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