Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Colleges no longer encourage debate


Universiti­es have always been a home for the world’s great arguments. Argument thrives in a culture of openness, and maintainin­g that culture ought to be paramount for universiti­es. There are many ways to stifle a culture of openness; in recent years, both the far left and the far right have shown a willingnes­s to win arguments by silencing the other side. But the threat that Americans should be most concerned about is any attempt by government to limit the freedom of individual­s to express their views or to dictate what they say.

That is what happened when Nathan Thrall, a writer on Israeli-Palestinia­n issues, was invited by the University of Arkansas to speak on the subject last year, and an ideologica­l barrier imposed by the state government prevented him from joining that debate. Thrall, like everyone else who enters a business relationsh­ip to an arm of the Arkansas government, was required by state law, as stipulated by the contract for his speaking fee, to sign a pledge that he would not boycott Israel. He refused to do so, calling the requiremen­t “McCarthyis­t” and an affront to his free speech rights.

This meant that he was unable to share his perspectiv­e, informed by years of experience writing about the relationsh­ip between Israelis and Palestinia­ns, at a time when students have a desperate need to understand the causes and effects of the war between Israel and Hamas in the Gaza Strip. The campus has lost many other speakers for the same reason, and students say they are missing out on the chance to hear a variety of voices.

“As the conflict rages in the Middle East and we attempt to make sense of it, we find our ability to listen to and learn from multiple perspectiv­es and foster an informed conversati­on radically curtailed by the university’s interpreta­tion of the statute,” one group of students and teachers wrote in a petition to remove the pledge.

The Arkansas regulation is part of a disturbing trend by state government­s to silence speakers on subjects including race, gender, slavery and American history.

States are interferin­g with the right to speak and teach freely on other issues as well. At least 10 states are considerin­g laws that impose severe restrictio­ns on a teacher’s right to speak to students about the importance of diversity and inclusion, following in the footsteps of Florida’s “Stop WOKE” law. That law, which was signed by Gov. Ron DeSantis in 2022 and was expanded last year, makes it illegal for educators to say out loud in the classroom that they support the principles of affirmativ­e action, or that American history is full of racist episodes, or that systemic racism has played a role in the institutio­ns and economy of the country.

A U.S. district judge based in Tallahasse­e, Fla., Mark Walker, struck down the key provisions of the law as “positively dystopian” and unconstitu­tional as applied to higher education.

A federal appeals court has agreed with Walker, blocking enforcemen­t of the law, but that hasn’t stopped other states from trying the same thing, hoping to get a different reaction from their federal courts.

California’s community college system recently decided to dictate to its professors a set of anti-racist principles to teach to their students. The college system leadership said that the instructor­s — all state employees — would be judged on whether they acknowledg­e “that cultural and social identities are diverse, fluid and intersecti­onal,” and would have to demonstrat­e “an ongoing awareness and recognitio­n of racial, social and cultural identities with fluency regarding their relevance in creating structures of oppression and marginaliz­ation.”

Last year, the Times wrote about a noted psychology professor (and affirmativ­e action supporter) who lost a chance to teach at UCLA because he disagreed with the usefulness of required diversity statements, calling them “value signaling.”

The censorious­ness at the heart of all these policies ought to concern all Americans.

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