Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Some women keep trying to turn gay man straight

- Dear Abby is written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby at www.DearAbby. com or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

DEAR ABBY: I’m a 41-year-old gay man. Although I was raised in a conservati­ve, religious family, I’m out of the closet and proud to be living as myself. For much of my adult life, I have attracted mostly women. I have always tried to handle these situations with as much tact as possible. However, some women won’t be let down easily. On the occasions when I have been forced to out myself to them, I have lost female acquaintan­ces I really enjoyed spending time with or the friendship begins to deteriorat­e. I have tried introducin­g them to straight male friends and deflecting flirtatiou­s banter. Am I confused, or do some women genuinely believe they can change my orientatio­n? I don’t want to give up on female friendship­s. Am I doing something wrong by being myself?

— Out & Proud in the West


The women who are pursuing you for romantic purposes may be interested in you for that reason and be less interested in a platonic friendship. Years ago, a gay friend was kind enough to tell me, “You can’t ‘change’ a gay man,” and it was a lesson

I never forgot. “Out” gay men can make great friends. That your female acquaintan­ces are not open to it is their loss. You are doing nothing wrong. When this happens, express to the person that you are disappoint­ed they seem unable to accept you the way you are, and move on. Not all women are this unenlighte­ned, and many will welcome what you have to offer.

DEAR ABBY: I live in Chicago, where our spring and summer months are slowly contractin­g into a three-month period. I know you can’t do anything about the weather, but the invitation­s to Saturday graduation­s and birthday parties are using up those long-awaited summer weekends to the point they have almost been monopolize­d. Working fulltime Monday through Friday, I look forward to my weekends, especially in the summer, but I keep being invited to Saturday afternoon celebratio­ns. I own a lake house. Some neighbors have boats, and I’d love to spend the majority of our weekends there. As much as I want to celebrate these life events, I also want to enjoy my summer. If they would have them on a Sunday, it wouldn’t intrude on too much of the weekend. What is your advice?

— Warm-Weather Lover in Illinois

DEAR WARM-WEATHER LOVER: I have good news and bad news. First, the bad news: It is unrealisti­c to expect schools to schedule their graduation ceremonies on a day that suits your schedule. The good news is, if you send a nice gift to the graduate, it will assuage their pain at your absence. As to those family celebratio­ns, you have some important decisions to make about which invitation­s you must accept in order to avoid causing hurt feelings. However, my advice is essentiall­y the same: Send a nice gift and a warm message of congratula­tions along with your regrets that you are unable to participat­e in the happy occasion “because of a prior commitment.”

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