Arkansas Democrat-Gazette



Criticism is easy; art is difficult. — Philippe Destouches

In this deal from the last set of the 2023 Wuhan Cup final, a spade was led at both tables after a transfer auction to three no-trump.

The French declarer, Vanessa Reess, led a diamond to the queen. Michael Rosenberg, West, took his ace before continuing spades. Now declarer should have taken her extra chance of leading a heart from dummy, inserting the jack if East followed small. She knew spades were very likely to be 4-4 after West’s fourth-highest lead of the two, so there was no danger in conceding a heart.

If diamonds were coming in, they could wait. If not, the extra trick she needed had to come from the hearts. Declarer could sneak an extra trick if the king-queen were onside, because East would have to duck. A doubleton honor onside would also work for her. By contrast, a 3-3 club split would not help.

Had declarer played a heart from dummy, East would have no counter.

As it was, when Reess cleared diamonds first, she had to go one down.

At the other table, Migry Zur Campanile also started with a diamond to the queen, but there, Philippe Cronier defended well by ducking. Now Migry was in the wrong hand to start hearts. She could have continued with a diamond honor from hand and then fallen back on the hearts later, but, understand­ably, she wanted to allow for ace-doubleton in diamonds with East by crossing to the club king to lead a second diamond. Cronier took his diamond ace and cleared spades, and now declarer was toast.

ANSWER: Given that your partner passed initially, it is probably not your hand, and you should have no great desire to compete with a balanced hand. Also, a takeout double might tip the opponents off in the bidding and play. Having said that, however, how likely is it that the opponents can make game here? I think it is unlikely, so I’ll double first and apologize later.

If you would like to contact Bobby Wolff, email him at

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