Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Florida surgeon general creates a stir over measles

- TERRY SPENCER Informatio­n for this article was contribute­d by Devi Shastri of The Associated Press.

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — Florida’s contentiou­s surgeon general is drawing criticism for his handling of an elementary school’s measles outbreak, telling parents of unvaccinat­ed children it is their choice whether their students attend class — a contravent­ion of federal guidelines calling for their mandatory exclusion.

Dr. Joseph Ladapo, nationally known for his outspoken skepticism toward the covid-19 vaccine, sent a letter this week to parents at Manatee Bay Elementary School near Fort Lauderdale after six students contracted the highly contagious and potentiall­y deadly virus. Such outbreaks are rare in the United States, though reported cases have spiked from 58 for all of 2023 to 35 already this year.

The letter notes that when a school has a measles outbreak, it is “normally recommende­d” that unvaccinat­ed students who haven’t previously had the disease be kept home for three weeks “because of the high likelihood” they will be infected.

But the letter then says the state won’t turn that recommenda­tion into a mandate, at least for now.

The Broward County school district said Friday that 33 of Manatee Bay’s 1,067 students don’t have at least one shot of the twodose measles vaccine. The vaccine also covers mumps and rubella and is highly effective against measles even after one dose. The school is in Weston, an upper-middle class and wealthy suburb, with a median household annual income of more than $120,000.

“Due to the high immunity rate in the community, as well as the burden on families and educationa­l cost of healthy children missing school, [the state health department] is deferring to parents or guardians to make decisions about school attendance,” Ladapo wrote. He was appointed by Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis in September 2021 because of their mutual opposition to covid-19 vaccine, mask mandates and school closures.

His wording contradict­s Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommenda­tions, which tell school officials that unvaccinat­ed children “must be excluded” for three weeks. States are not required to follow those recommenda­tions, however.

That failure to bar unvaccinat­ed children is sparking criticism from doctors in Florida and around the country, including the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Dr. Rana Alissa, the academy’s Florida vice president, said Friday that the state should follow the CDC guidelines “for the safety of our kids.” Allowing unvaccinat­ed children to attend during the outbreak not only endangers them, but others who might have compromise­d immune systems and could later catch it from them, she said.

“When you have an outbreak, to contain it you have to follow the public health and safety recommenda­tions, not give people a choice,” she said. “Frankly, giving people a choice is what got us here.”

Jodie Guest, an epidemiolo­gist at Emory University’s Rollins School of Public Health, said the CDC’s guidelines “are based on decades of iterative science” but false informatio­n about the measles vaccine’s dangers is spreading. The vaccine in extremely rare circumstan­ces can cause seizures that are not permanent or life-threatenin­g, the CDC says.

“We have a pandemic of science disinforma­tion,” she said.

Ladapo’s office did not respond Friday to a phone call seeking a response to the criticism.

The school district says any decisions about the mandatory exclusion of unvaccinat­ed students rests solely with the health department. Spokespers­on John Sullivan would not say if the six ill children are unvaccinat­ed, citing privacy concerns.

Florida law requires that students be vaccinated for measles and several other contagious diseases, but they can be exempted by their doctor for medical reasons or by their parents if they affirm the shots conflict with the family’s “religious tenets and practices.” Officials are not allowed to seek specific informatio­n about those beliefs.

Measles spreads when infected people exhale, cough and sneeze the viruses — it can linger in the air and on surfaces for two hours, infecting numerous people. An infected person can be contagious for four days before symptoms appear, including the telltale rash, fever, cough, runny nose and watery eyes.

While most people who catch measles recover without significan­t problems, an unvaccinat­ed person who catches measles has about a 20% chance of being hospitaliz­ed, the CDC says.

About 5% of infected children get pneumonia and about 1 in every 1,000 will develop brain swelling, which can cause deafness or intellectu­al disability. Between 1 and 3 of every 1,000 infected children who weren’t vaccinated will die from the disease, the CDC says.

 ?? (AP/Chris O’Meara) ?? Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo gestures as he speaks to supporters and members of the media before a bill signing by Gov. Ron DeSantis in November 2021 in Brandon, Fla.
(AP/Chris O’Meara) Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo gestures as he speaks to supporters and members of the media before a bill signing by Gov. Ron DeSantis in November 2021 in Brandon, Fla.

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