Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Small changes can lead to heart health


JACKSONVIL­LE, Fla. — Switching from an unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyle to healthful eating and exercise can be daunting. Dr. Juan Cardenas Rosales, an internal medicine physician and medical director of the internatio­nal medicine practice at Mayo Clinic in Jacksonvil­le, credits small steps and one big one that can lead to a heart-healthy life.

Taking the first step can be difficult, whether trying to eat a nutritious diet, exercise more or both, Rosales says. That is in part because people often set high expectatio­ns for themselves and try to reach them immediatel­y, rather than approachin­g it as a process.

“It is better to make these changes little by little, and stay consistent, than to make a sudden change that is difficult to maintain,” Rosales explains. “For example, don’t start exercising 30 minutes a day, five times a week, but start with 10 minutes every third day. Also, adjust your diet, and each day lower your sugar consumptio­n a little, your fat consumptio­n, your salt, and so on, little by little. Start with small steps but keep moving forward.”

Rosales recommends gradually substituti­ng healthier choices into your diet, such as fish, chicken, fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains.

“Drinking a lot of water is also important, at least 2 quarts of water a day, and staying away from processed foods that are very high in certain types of harmful fats like trans fats,” Rosales says.

One of the hardest moves to make can be skipping favorite foods that are now known to be unhealthy but have been part of family meals for generation­s, he adds.

“Many times, in our culture, our tradition, this type of diet has been followed for many years, and it is what we were often taught by our relatives, our grandmothe­r, our parents. But many times, that does not mean that it is healthy for us,” Rosales says. “If we know that it is something that is harmful to our health, we should always try to choose the healthful option.”

Working toward adequate sleep — at least seven hours — is also important for heart health. It reduces the risk of cardiovasc­ular disease and serious conditions, such as hypertensi­on, diabetes and high cholestero­l, that are also risk factors for heart disease, Rosales says.

“By having a good sleep, we also allow our body to recover and to be ready to continue the next day,” he explains. “It has also been shown that many times, not sleeping well can lead to chronic stress.”

There is one big change that Rosales recommends making immediatel­y: Stop smoking and avoid secondhand smoke, exposure to other people’s smoke.

“The moment one stops smoking, the risk of cardiovasc­ular disease decreases,” he says. “Research has shown that after one year of completing quitting smoking, the cardiovasc­ular risk falls to half that of a person who smokes.”

Before starting an exercise plan, it is a good idea to talk with your health care team to ensure a safe approach, Rosales advises. It is also a good practice to schedule annual checkups so your health care team can screen for heart disease and risk factors, such as diabetes, hypertensi­on and high cholestero­l, he adds.

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