Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Be patient; give alienated daughter space to find herself

- Chat online with Carolyn at 11 a.m. each Friday at washington­ Write to Tell Me About It in care of The Washington Post, Style Plus, 1150 15th St. N.W., Washington, DC 20071; or email CAROLYN HAX

DEAR CAROLYN: My young adult daughter is closer to her mother and makes no effort to see me when she’s home, although we’ve always gotten along well. I’ve tried suggesting outings I think she’ll enjoy, I’ve tried to watch the shows she likes, I text and get a one-word response. If I call her, she says it’s a bad time. I’ve asked her to call me but she does not.

The split was because her mother was cheating, so I don’t think there’s any grudge toward me over the divorce. Also, my daughter and I haven’t had any kind of fight, and things are fine with her siblings.

She reaches out when she needs money or help with something, and that’s it. She’s blown off the last few family vacations. I told her I’m upset; she doesn’t appear to care.

At what point do I just tell her I’m going to stop trying but I’m here for her if she needs something?

— The Other Parent

DEAR READER: You don’t. You don’t put the whole relationsh­ip on your kid — definitely not a young adult one, but not even one who is fully adult. Especially not when there was traumatic upheaval in the family during her childhood.

If she’s in college, it’s a oneword answer: patience.

It can get bumpy when a parent-kid relationsh­ip transition­s to one between two adults, especially if the parent is slow to let go of old ways and expectatio­ns.

Just in general, too — relationsh­ips get a lot easier when we remind ourselves the other person has a whole life’s worth of stuff affecting their interactio­ns with us, much of it outside our knowledge and beyond our reach. (They can get harder with this reminder, too, if you use it to inventory everything you’ve ever done for someone who is now acting distant. But I recommend the former, using it as liberation.)

Your letter has great examples of why the unknowns of context matter: “I don’t think there’s any grudge,” you say; “she doesn’t appear to care,” you say. Meaning, you have no idea what’s feeding into her current state of mind, you just know she’s putting some distance between you. It is a show of respect to remain mindful that she has her reasons; you simply don’t know them (yet).

Respect is essential for parent-child relationsh­ips in transition. Child rearing includes so many years of presuming to know what’s best for a kid, then trying to act on that responsibl­y, then trying to parse whether the kid’s tantrum/door-slamming/pushback is a sign we did the right thing as parents or a horribly wrong one. Given that constant conditioni­ng, it’s normal for parents to keep drawing conclusion­s about their kids well past the usefulness of such reflexive certaintie­s — and for the kids, young adult ones especially, to chafe at them.

Now take all this relationsh­ip context and consider your daughter. First, imagine some typical young adult challenges: establishi­ng independen­ce, processing some childhood stuff, differenti­ating from parents, seeing old relationsh­ips through the lens of growing maturity and newly mixed feelings. Etc.

Imagine she wants some breathing room to sort her stuff. Imagine her mom is more comfortabl­e giving it to her (or a total pushover, alas). Imagine your daughter doesn’t have the maturity (yet) to say any of this to your face.

Now imagine how your “I’m going to stop trying” message would hit her ears.

Not great, right? A touch of quitting on her just as she’s launching, some thin-skinnednes­s, a few notes of “You like your mom better!”

When kids are at their least lovable is when they most need steady parental love.

You don’t have to be a doormat or have all your feelings extracted. Just be the person who puts these together: love, “we’ve always gotten along well,” people go through stuff we don’t always know about, patience, self-respect and “I’m the parent here.” They’re the building blocks for the long view.

What does this look like in practice? The same as always: Kid’s well-being trumps your feelings. Remain in regular but non-needy-smothery contact as she becomes who she is becoming. See the joy in her independen­ce when you feel tempted to complain about it; I’d skip family vacations, too, if I felt guilted to go. Be glad she’s comfortabl­e with one parent instead of resenting that you’re not the parent she chose.

And maybe most of all, don’t base your idea of your relationsh­ip on who she was. If she sees you letting go of that, without asking her to manage your hurt feelings, then she’ll know you’re ready to see her — whoever that turns out to be.

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(Washington Post Writers Group/Nick Galifianak­is)
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