Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

On church and state


John Brummett’s column on religious expression was kind of interestin­g until he decided to hawk a liberal program produced by Rob Reiner. It’s not surprising that Brummett is kindred with the religion-hating Reiner. Liberals have attempted to use the First Amendment as a means of pushing Christiani­ty from the public arena and the place it has held since the inception of America.

The term “separation of church and state” is not in the Constituti­on. The term was taken from a letter Thomas Jefferson wrote in 1802 to answer the Danbury Baptists’ concern that the federal government might seek to establish one specific Christian denominati­on as the state or federal church, or to allow the federal government to interfere with Christian religious expression. Jefferson not only went to church as president, he did so inside the House of Representa­tives. The church services were presided over by every Protestant denominati­on. And this was really Jefferson’s idea of separation of church and state, meaning no establishm­ent of a specific state religion, and not the exclusion of state recognitio­n of Almighty God.

According to Justice Antonin Scalia’s dissent in McCreary County v. ACLU of Kentucky, the First Congress instituted the practice (ongoing) of beginning its legislativ­e sessions with a prayer. “The same week that Congress submitted the Establishm­ent Clause as part of the Bill of Rights for ratificati­on by the states, it enacted legislatio­n providing for paid chaplains in the House and Senate. … The day after the First Amendment was proposed, the same Congress that had proposed it requested the President to proclaim ‘a day of public thanksgivi­ng and prayer, to be observed, by acknowledg­ing, with grateful hearts, the many and signal favours of Almighty God.’”

Liberals have twisted language like a pretzel to exclude religion from the public sphere in many instances. Do you really think we as a society have improved since taking prayer out of schools? Maybe Brummett can answer that.


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