Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Nation can do better


What more can be said about the growing ugliness that has become American politics and rhetoric? Have we always felt so compelled to express our displeasur­e or disagreeme­nt with opposing opinions that we resort to petty name-calling, ridicule or worse?

I do not believe so, but then just turn to the “poster boy” of it all, Donald Trump, and listen to his constant diatribe of mean-spirited speech.

His hallmark statement is “Make America Great Again.” What exactly does that mean? What is so bad about America that we need him to tell us that he alone will make it better? I look around and see so much of what is good about this country.

I get it that many feel ignored, forgotten or threatened. They want to turn to someone who seems to understand them with promises to make it all better.

Certainly, we need a strong, fair border policy. Yes, while inflation is down, it needs to be brought down further. And definitely spending must be brought under control in all facets of the budget. No reasonable person would think otherwise.

Advocates of Donald Trump, please, however, listen very closely to this man. Listen to his invectives. What is he really promising? Make it great again for whom? In his entire life he has demonstrat­ed little concern for others, only that which benefits him. That is Trump’s history. He makes no attempt to hide his contempt for anyone who dares challenge him. It appears his only core belief is self-enrichment. His history is there for all to see.

Asa Hutchison was interviewe­d earlier this week. Being a very reasonable man who loves this country, Asa knows we can do better than Donald Trump in November. For the good of America and the world, let’s do just that.

JOHN WATTS Little Rock

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