Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Jan. 6, 2021, driver told panel Trump didn’t lunge


WASHINGTON — President Donald Trump had just delivered his fiery speech at the Ellipse early on the afternoon of Jan. 6, 2021, setting in motion the riot by his supporters at the Capitol.

When he got into his armored vehicle after the speech, Trump immediatel­y brought up a topic he often broached after his public appearance­s: How big was the crowd?

But within 30 seconds, his conversati­on with his lead Secret Service agent took a more contentiou­s turn, according to a transcript released Monday of an interview by House investigat­ors of another Secret Service agent who was driving the car. Trump wanted to go to the Capitol, but his lead agent, Robert Engel, said no, telling him there was no plan in place.

“The president was insistent on going to the Capitol,” recounted the driver, whose name was not disclosed. “It was clear to me he wanted to go to the Capitol. He was not screaming at Engel. He was not screaming at me. Certainly his voice was raised, but it did not seem to me that he was irate — certainly not, certainly didn’t seem as irritated or agitated as he had on the way to the Ellipse.”

But, the driver said, Trump never lunged for the steering wheel or physically accosted the agents, contradict­ing the most sensationa­l and hotly disputed elements of testimony given to the House Jan. 6 committee by a White House aide. The transcript of the driver is the first extensive eyewitness account of what happened in the armored vehicle to be made public.

“I did not see him reach,” the Secret Service driver told investigat­ors for the House panel. “He never grabbed the steering wheel. I didn’t see him, you know, lunge to try to get into the front seat at all. You know, what stood out was the irritation in his voice, more than his physical presence.”

The driver’s transcript adds detail to one of the most scrutinize­d episodes of Jan. 6, 2021. The transcript was never released publicly by the House Jan. 6 committee, which entered into an agreement with the Secret Service regarding 12 interviews to avoid disclosing “privacy informatio­n, for-official-use-only informatio­n, intelligen­ce and law enforcemen­t sensitive records and raw intelligen­ce informatio­n.”

Republican­s have suggested that the panel did not release the transcript because it contradict­s portions of a public account of the incident from a prominent witness, Cassidy Hutchinson, who served as an aide to Mark Meadows, the White House chief of staff at the time. Hutchinson testified in June 2022 that she had heard about what happened from others second- or third-hand. Republican­s have faulted the panel’s decision to promote her account of Trump’s behavior in the vehicle.

A letter from Jonathan Meyer, general counsel for the Department of Homeland Security, provided a reason that the driver’s transcript had not been released. The House committee requested that the department review the transcript­s for sensitive informatio­n that should be protected from disclosure so that the remainder could become “part of the historical record.”

More than a year after the driver was interviewe­d in November 2022, the agency was still reviewing the transcript­s, Meyer wrote to House Republican­s in February. He said the agency determined it could release redacted versions of six interviews, including the driver’s, to Republican­s who are investigat­ing the committee’s work while looking for irregulari­ties or signs of bias.

Republican­s released a copy of their report into the committee’s work on Monday afternoon, pillorying the Department of Homeland Security for taking so long to release certain transcript­s and criticizin­g instances in which Hutchinson changed or corrected her testimony.

“This firsthand testimony directly contradict­s Cassidy Hutchinson’s story and the former J6 select committee’s narrative,” said Rep. Barry Loudermilk, R-Ga., who has been leading the House GOP effort to investigat­e the work of the Jan. 6 committee for bias. “Although the select committee had this critical informatio­n, they still promoted Ms. Hutchinson’s third-hand version of events in their final report.”

Former aides to the select committee counter that the panel’s final report included details of interviews with the driver and that there was no cover-up. The final report also makes reference to the testimony of Engel, even though neither transcript was released at the time.

“Engel did not characteri­ze the exchange in the vehicle the way Hutchinson described the account she heard from Ornato, and indicated that he did not recall President Trump gesturing toward him,” the Jan. 6 committee’s report stated, referring to Anthony Ornato, the White House deputy chief of staff and an active Secret Service agent whom Hutchinson cited as one source of the story she relayed.

The panel’s report added, “The driver testified that he did not recall seeing what President Trump was doing and did not recall whether there was movement.”

“It is difficult to fully reconcile the accounts of several of the witnesses who provided informatio­n with what we heard from Engel and Ornato,” the report concluded. “But the principal factual point here is clear and undisputed: President Trump specifical­ly and repeatedly requested to be taken to the Capitol. He was insistent and angry, and continued to push to travel to the Capitol even after returning to the White House.”

The driver’s transcript is the most detailed firsthand account so far of how Trump behaved inside his presidenti­al motorcade that day, traveling the short distance from the White House to the Ellipse, and it corroborat­es several aspects of the testimony of Hutchinson and other committee witnesses.

Trump had begun the morning in a “pretty agitated, pretty irritated” mood on his way to the Ellipse, the driver testified. The president’s voice contained a “tinge of anger” as he spoke with Engel, who rode with him in the vehicle.

The driver said Trump was angry at Vice President Mike Pence, who had been resisting Trump’s efforts to block congressio­nal certificat­ion that day of Joe Biden’s Electoral College victory.

“I don’t remember exactly how he phrased it, but my recollecti­on is that he was upset that the vice president was unwilling to not certify the Electoral College,” the driver testified.

After the speech, he got back in the armored SUV and started demanding to go to the Capitol along with the crowd to protest the congressio­nal certificat­ion.

Trump, he said, appeared unconvince­d that an unplanned trip posed a security threat, given that the crowd at the Capitol would be his supporters.

“I don’t remember exactly what prompted it or how that portion of the conversati­on kind of grew organicall­y, but he was pushing pretty hard to go,” the agent testified. He added,

“The thing that sticks out most was he kept asking why we couldn’t go, why we couldn’t go, and that he wasn’t concerned about the people that were there or referenced them being Trump people or Trump supporters.”

 ?? (AP/Evan Vucci) ?? Then-President Donald Trump speaks during a rally protesting the Elector College certificat­ion of Joe Biden’s win in the 2020 presidenti­al race, in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021.
(AP/Evan Vucci) Then-President Donald Trump speaks during a rally protesting the Elector College certificat­ion of Joe Biden’s win in the 2020 presidenti­al race, in Washington on Jan. 6, 2021.

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