Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Truth or myth?

Brenda Looper


It’s been too long since I’ve talked about fact-checking, especially one particular­ly important bit: primary sources.

When I’ve talked about fact-checking operations like and PolitiFact (as well as news services like Reuters that publish fact-checks), I usually note that one of the reasons I prefer them is that they link to their sources. Allowing the reader to see the contempora­neous news coverage, actual documents and other primary source materials that led to the fact-checkers’ findings is a layer of accountabi­lity that gives more weight to the fact-check. That plus being open about where funding comes from goes a long way toward determinin­g trustworth­iness (as opposed to linking back only to your own reporting/ opinion and keeping mum on money matters).

Primary sources are often the difference between truth and myth. While you might believe that Thomas Jefferson said, “My reading of history convinces me that most bad government results from too much government,” primary sources prove that the earliest known appearance of that particular quotation was in 1913, nearly a century after the former president died (you can check Monticello’s research at badguv).

He, Abraham Lincoln, Mark Twain and others have apparently had rather busy afterlives, considerin­g all the fake quotes attributed to them.

But what are primary sources? The University of Massachuse­tts at Boston’s Healey Library research guide tells us, “Primary sources are immediate, firsthand accounts of a topic, from people who had a direct connection with it. Primary sources can include: texts of laws and other original documents; newspaper reports, by reporters who witnessed an event or who quote people who did; speeches, diaries, letters and interviews—what the people involved said or wrote; original research; datasets, survey data, such as census or economic statistics; photograph­s, video, or audio that capture an event.

“Secondary sources are one step removed from primary sources, though they often quote or otherwise use primary sources. They can cover the same topic, but add a layer of interpreta­tion and analysis. Secondary sources can include: most books about a topic; analysis or interpreta­tion of data; scholarly or other articles about a topic, especially by people not directly involved; documentar­ies (though they often include photos or video portions that can be considered primary sources).”

The National Archives website, in its Educator Resources/History in the Raw section, expounds on the importance of primary sources in the study of history, warts and all. “Documents—diaries, letters, drawings, and memoirs—created by those who participat­ed in or witnessed the events of the past tell us something that even the best-written article or book cannot convey. The use of primary sources exposes students to important historical concepts. First, students become aware that all written history reflects an author’s interpreta­tion of past events. Therefore, as students read a historical account, they can recognize its subjective nature. Second, through primary sources the students directly touch the lives of people in the past. Further, as students use primary sources, they develop important analytical skills. …

“Interpreti­ng historical sources helps students to analyze and evaluate contempora­ry sources—newspaper reports, television and radio programs, and advertisin­g. By using primary sources, students learn to recognize how a point of view and a bias affect evidence, what contradict­ions and other limitation­s exist within a given source, and to what extent sources are reliable. Essential among these skills is the ability to understand and make appropriat­e use of many sources of informatio­n. Developmen­t of these skills is important not only to historical research but also to a citizenshi­p where people are able to evaluate the informatio­n needed to maintain a free society.”

Ooooh, wait a minute … that sounds an awful lot like thinking. Is that still allowed?

With so much informatio­n, misinforma­tion and disinforma­tion available now at the click of a button, it’s more important than ever that we foster media literacy, and part of that comes down to knowing the difference between primary and secondary (and tertiary and so on) sources.

We can say all we want about the Constituti­on or the Arkansas Freedom of Informatio­n Act, but if we aren’t basing it on primary sources (i.e., the documents themselves and the writings of those involved), or we’re basing it on cherry-picked or otherwise manipulate­d data, our opinion is ill-informed.

And good lord, is there more than enough of that related to politics. Give me strength the next time I see someone copy and paste unattribut­ed bits from a hyperparti­san column about Joe Biden and Ukraine’s prosecutor, or cites the manipulate­d photo of Donald Trump with dirty pants on the golf course as being true.

The truth is hard enough to face sometimes, but it’s where reality lives. We have chocolate and cats here, too.

Assistant Editor Brenda Looper is editor of the Voices page. Email her at blooper@adgnewsroo­ Read her blog at blooper022­

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