Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Las Vegas shooting footage released


LAS VEGAS — Images of a campus police officer diving behind a patrol vehicle to escape gunfire and then fatally shooting a gunman outside a building at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, are among footage in newly released video of a deadly rampage that left three professors dead and a fourth badly wounded last December.

The shootout captured by campus surveillan­ce cameras ended what authoritie­s say was 10 minutes of terror unleashed by a 67-year-old former business professor from North Carolina whose applicatio­ns to teach at the university had been rejected.

The gunman, Anthony Polito, was armed with a legally purchased 9 mm handgun, carried nine bullet magazines, and had a target list of names, although none of the people shot was on that list, police said.

The university Thursday released 20 hours of footage from campus security and officer body cameras, along with more than an hour of recordings of 911 calls made to campus police.

Sounds of the gunfire that killed three people in upper floors of the five-story business school sent people fleeing from the nearby Student Union just before noon. Video shows a campus police officer, running across the plaza toward the business school building, arrived 78 seconds after the shooting.

Two gunshots are heard early in more than an hour of 911 recordings that include one father saying he got a text from his daughter who was hiding in a classroom.

New video shows campus security officers immediatel­y entering the business school building as Las Vegas police swarm the area near the Student Union while young people stream the other way.

Video footage from a parking lot shows the gunman get out of a black sedan wearing a black trench coat and retrieve something from a passenger compartmen­t before walking calmly toward the business school building.

A different video shows officers helping a badly wounded professor who walked out of the same building before collapsing on a sidewalk behind a patrol car.

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