Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

It starts with you


Editor, The Commercial: I believe it is in the best interests of our fair city that those of us who were ardent supporters of Mayor Shirley Washington in the just-completed election series bury the hatchet and become supportive of Mayor-elect Vivian Flowers. Lord knows it is tough enough starting a new job without a bunch of disgruntle­d folks becoming thorns in the side of any newly elected official.

Being supportive is not being a rubber stamp, nor is being a constant hindrance just to prove your cussedness productive. Here in Pine Bluff, we have an opportunit­y to demonstrat­e to the rest of the state and nation what can happen when individual­s take the mindset that “I can make a difference.”

Politician­s universall­y espouse “working together;” I submit to you that is what lemmings do as they plunge over the cliff. Beavers on the other hand see as individual­s what they can do for the good of the community and do it in concert with each other. If you agree with that analogy, the fate of our community is not in “their hands,” or “our hands,” it is in “your hands.” If you do nothing, nothing happens.

Doing something can be as simple as picking up a few pieces of trash, or even better keeping it in your vehicle until you find an appropriat­e container. Or it can climb to the level of advocating something you believe will be good for the community and organizing support for your idea. And there are a lot of in-betweens between these opposite ends of the spectrum.

The question is, what can I do for the betterment of where I live? It could be tooth and toenail, allin, or nothing support for a cause or candidate and subsequent­ly accepting results when they did not go your way. It can only improve from there. What’s next is up to you. Being nice might be it.

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