Arkansas Democrat-Gazette

Justices hear challenge of Jan. 6 obstructio­n case


WASHINGTON — The Supreme Court on Tuesday questioned whether federal prosecutor­s went too far in bringing obstructio­n charges against hundreds of participan­ts in the Jan. 6, 2021, Capitol riot. But it wasn’t clear how the justices would rule in a case that also could affect the prosecutio­n of former President Donald Trump, who faces the same charge for his efforts to overturn his election loss in 2020.

The justices heard arguments over the charge of obstructio­n of an official proceeding in the case of Joseph Fischer, a former Pennsylvan­ia police officer who has been indicted over what prosecutor­s contend is his role in disrupting Congress’ certificat­ion of Joe Biden’s 2020 presidenti­al election victory over Trump. Fischer is one of 330 people facing that charge, which stems from a law passed in the aftermath of the Enron financial scandal more than two decades ago to deal with the destructio­n of documents.

Trump is facing two charges in a separate case brought by special counsel Jack Smith in Washington that could be knocked out with a favorable ruling from the nation’s highest court. Next week, the justices will hear arguments over whether the former president and presumptiv­e nominee for the 2024 Republican nomination has “absolute immunity” from prosecutio­n in that case, a propositio­n that has so far been rejected by two lower courts.

Smith has argued separately in the immunity case that the obstructio­n charges against Trump are valid no matter how the court decides Fischer’s case. The first for

mer U.S. president under indictment, Trump is on trial on hush money charges in New York and also has been charged with election interferen­ce in Georgia and with mishandlin­g classified documents in Florida.

It was not clear after more than 90 minutes of arguments precisely where the court would land in Fischer’s case.

Some of the conservati­ve justices said the law was so broad that it could be used against even peaceful protests and also questioned why the Justice Department has not brought charges under the provision in other violent protests.

“There have been many violent protests that have interfered with proceeding­s,” Justice Clarence Thomas said. He was back on the bench Tuesday after an unexplaine­d one-day absence.

Justice Sonia Sotomayor took a different view of what happened on Jan. 6. “We’ve never had a situation before where there’s been a situation like this with people attempting to stop a proceeding violently,” she said.

The question for the justices was whether one of the laws used to prosecute some of the members of the mob that stormed the Capitol fits their conduct. The law, a provision of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 enacted in response to the financial scandal that brought down Enron Corp., contains a broad catchall provision that makes it a crime to corruptly obstruct, influence or impede any official proceeding.

But the provision is linked to a previous one aimed at altering evidence. Chief Justice John Roberts said the catchall provision must be read in context. Since the Jan. 6 defendants were not accused of altering evidence, he said, the catchall provision did not apply.

The law was prompted by accounting fraud and the destructio­n of documents, but the provision is written in broad terms.

At least part of what the law meant to accomplish was to address a gap in the federal criminal code: It was a crime to persuade others to destroy records relevant to an investigat­ion or official proceeding but not to do so oneself. The law sought to close that gap.

It did that in a two-part provision. The first part makes it a crime to corruptly alter, destroy or conceal evidence to frustrate official proceeding­s. The second part, at issue in Fischer’s case, makes it a crime “otherwise” to corruptly obstruct, influence or impede any official proceeding.

The heart of the case is at the pivot from the first part to the second. The ordinary meaning of “otherwise,” prosecutor­s say, is “in a different manner.” That means, they say, that the obstructio­n of official proceeding­s need not involve the destructio­n of evidence. The second part, they say, is broad catchall applying to all sorts of conduct.

Other members of the court’s conservati­ve majority said that reading the catchall provision in isolation would allow prosecutio­ns of all sorts of protesters.

Justice Elena Kagan said the catchall provision was a purposeful­ly broad reaction to the Enron debacle.

“What Enron convinced them of was that there were gaps in these statutes,” she said of the lawmakers who enacted it.

She added: “But they didn’t know exactly what those gaps were. So they said, let’s have a backstop provision. And this is their backstop provision.”

Sotomayor agreed. “They wanted to cover every base, and they didn’t do it in a logical way, but they managed to cover every base,” she said.

Whatever the larger consequenc­es of the court’s ruling, several justices on Tuesday voiced unease at the government’s interpreta­tion of the law, saying it would allow many other kinds of prosecutio­ns.

“Would a sit-in that disrupts a trial or access to a federal courthouse qualify?” Justice Neil Gorsuch asked. “Would a heckler in today’s audience qualify, or at the State of the Union address? Would pulling a fire alarm before a vote qualify for 20 years in federal prison?”

Justice Samuel Alito, suggesting the government’s reading of the law is too broad, asked whether the charge could be applied to people who disrupted the day’s court session by shouting “Keep the January 6 insurrecti­onists in jail or “Free the January 6 patriots.”

He hastened to add, “What happened on Jan. 6 was very, very serious and I’m not equating this with that.”


Elizabeth Prelogar, the U.S. solicitor general, began her argument by recalling the events of Jan. 6, saying that what some of the participan­ts did that day amounted to obstructio­n covered by the law.

“On Jan. 6, 2021, a violent mob stormed the United States Capitol and disrupted the peaceful transition of power,” she said. “Many crimes occurred that day, but in plain English, the fundamenta­l wrong committed by many of the rioters, including petitioner, was a deliberate attempt to stop the joint session of Congress from certifying the results of the election. That is, they obstructed Congress’ work in that official proceeding.”

Justice Amy Coney Barrett asked how to distinguis­h the attack on the Capitol from other actions that have disrupted official proceeding­s. “Tell me why I shouldn’t be concerned about the breadth of the government’s reading?” she asked.

Lawyers for Fischer, the former North Cornwall Township police officer, argue that the provision was meant to close a loophole in criminal law and discourage the destructio­n of records in response to an investigat­ion. Until the Capitol riot, lawyer Jeffrey Green told the court on Fischer’s behalf, the provision “had never been used to prosecute anything other than evidence tampering.”

Fischer “was not part of the mob” that forced lawmakers to flee the House and Senate chambers, Green wrote in court papers, noting that he entered the Capitol after Congress had recessed. The weight of the crowd pushed Fischer into a line of police inside, Green wrote.

But Prelogar, the administra­tion’s top Supreme Court lawyer, said the other side is reading the law too narrowly, arguing it serves as a “classic catchall” designed to deal with the obstructio­n of an official proceeding. She said Fischer’s actions before, during and after Jan. 6 demonstrat­ed that he intended to keep Congress from doing its job of certifying the election results.

“He had said in advance of Jan. 6 that he was prepared to storm the Capitol, prepared to use violence, he wanted to intimidate Congress,” Prelogar said. “He said they can’t vote if they can’t breathe. And then he went to the Capitol on Jan. 6 with that intent in mind and took action, including assaulting a law enforcemen­t officer.”

As the end of the argument neared, Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, indicated that she had reservatio­ns about the government’s position, saying that the court should not lose sight of “the backdrop of a real-world context.”

“It was in the wake of Enron,” she said. “There was document destructio­n, and, you know, there was nothing as far as I can tell in the enactment history as it was recorded that suggests that Congress was thinking about obstructio­n more generally.”

The obstructio­n charge is among the most widely used felony charges brought in the extensive federal prosecutio­n after the riot. It carries a maximum prison term of 20 years, but Prelogar said the average term imposed so far is about two years.

Roughly 170 Jan. 6 defendants have been convicted of obstructin­g or conspiring to obstruct the Jan. 6 joint session of Congress, including the leaders of two far-right extremist groups, the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers. A number of defendants have had their sentencing­s delayed until after the justices rule on the matter.

Some rioters have even won early release from prison while the appeal is pending over concerns that they might end up serving longer than they should have if the Supreme Court rules against the Justice Department. They include Kevin Seefried, a Delaware man who threatened a Black police officer with a pole attached to a Confederat­e battle flag as he stormed the Capitol. Seefried was sentenced last year to three years behind bars, but a judge recently ordered that he be released one year into his prison term while awaiting the Supreme Court’s ruling.

Most lower court judges who have weighed in have allowed the charge to stand. Among them, U.S. District Judge Dabney Friedrich, a Trump appointee, wrote that “statutes often reach beyond the principal evil that animated them.”

But U.S. District Judge Carl Nichols, another Trump appointee, dismissed the charge against Fischer and two other defendants, writing that prosecutor­s went too far. A divided panel of the federal appeals court in Washington reinstated the charge before the Supreme Court agreed to take up the case.

More than 1,350 people have been charged with Capitol riot-related federal crimes. Approximat­ely 1,000 of them have pleaded guilty or been convicted by a jury or judge after a trial.

A decision is expected by late June.

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