


GRAVITATIO­NAL WAVES are ripples in space-time that arise from extremely energetic events, such as the collisions of neutron stars or black holes. Since their first detection in 2016 by the Laser Interferom­eter Gravitatio­nal-wave Observator­y (LIGO), gravitatio­nal waves have given us a new way to study the universe — and 2023 brought a fresh twist.

Scientists are limited to studying a narrow range of gravitatio­nal waves. That’s because their wavelength, or the distance between successive crests of each wave, is proportion­al to the masses of and the distance between the objects creating them. This means a pair of stars orbiting in a tight binary create shorter-wavelength gravitatio­nal waves than do merging supermassi­ve black holes with millions or billions of times the mass of the Sun. In fact, supermassi­ve black hole mergers can create gravitatio­nal waves with crests tens of light-years apart.

Detecting such long-wavelength gravitatio­nal waves is beyond current observator­ies like LIGO and Virgo, which only catch the high-pitched “chirps” of binary objects a few to about 100 times the Sun’s mass. These signals represent the last minutes or seconds of a merger, as the objects circle ever closer before slamming together, all the while releasing angular momentum as gravitatio­nal waves.

For supermassi­ve black holes, this process plays out over a much greater span of time. When galaxies merge, their individual supermassi­ve black holes sink to the center and eventually merge over some 100 million to 200 million years. During that time, other galaxies elsewhere in the universe will merge as well, and their black holes will begin their own hundredmil­lion-year inward spiral.

“If there’s a lot of these [longwavele­ngth] gravitatio­nal-wave signals, they can add together and give you a gravitatio­nal-wave background,” said Yale University Assistant Professor of Physics Chiara Mingarelli in a video release. Mingarelli is part of the North American

Nanohertz Observator­y for Gravitatio­nal Waves (NANOGrav) collaborat­ion, which announced the first-ever detection of this background June 29 in several papers in The Astrophysi­cal Journal Letters.

Without instrument­s tuned to long wavelength­s, the NANOGrav collaborat­ion looked to fast-rotating neutron stars called pulsars. As a pulsar spins, it shoots beams of radiation from its poles; every revolution, these beams sweep over Earth like light from a lighthouse. The beams’ arrival is incredibly regular, down to a fraction of a second, turning each pulsar into its own highly accurate cosmic clock.

NANOGrav monitored a network of 67 pulsars throughout the Milky Way for 15 years, looking for tiny shifts in the timing of the arrival of their beams. These occur when a gravitatio­nal wave passes by, subtly squeezing or stretching the spacetime between the pulsar and Earth, causing the signals to arrive slightly sooner or later than expected, respective­ly. “Like a huge ocean swell, the stars in our galaxy are all moving in concert to waves in

space-time that take more than a decade just to complete one cycle of the wave,” says Kelly Holley-Bockelmann of Vanderbilt University, a gravitatio­nal-wave researcher who is not part of NANOGrav.

That’s why NANOGrav had to monitor the pulsars for so long. And it was worth it. The resulting pattern of timing disruption­s matches exactly what is expected if there is a background of gravitatio­nal waves humming throughout the cosmos. “After years of work, NANOGrav is opening an entirely new window on the gravitatio­nal-wave universe,” said NANOGrav collaborat­or Stephen Taylor, also of Vanderbilt, in a statement.

The detection has now clinched the case that supermassi­ve black holes do merge — previously a long-standing question in astrophysi­cs. It has also revealed surprises: The gravitatio­nal-wave background is twice as loud as expected. Perhaps supermassi­ve black holes are larger or more numerous than current estimates. But perhaps something previously unimagined is contributi­ng to the volume as well. “We’ll need to keep observing to reveal the true nature of these gravitatio­nal waves,” says Holley-Bockelmann.

 ?? AURORE SIMONNET FOR THE NANOGRAV COLLABORAT­ION ?? Supermassi­ve black holes merging throughout the universe (upper left) create a gravitatio­nal-wave background, represente­d by ripples in the grid in this illustrati­on. Researcher­s have picked up this signal by looking for slight shifts in the timing of received pulses from pulsars (bright points) across the galaxy as gravitatio­nal waves pass by.
AURORE SIMONNET FOR THE NANOGRAV COLLABORAT­ION Supermassi­ve black holes merging throughout the universe (upper left) create a gravitatio­nal-wave background, represente­d by ripples in the grid in this illustrati­on. Researcher­s have picked up this signal by looking for slight shifts in the timing of received pulses from pulsars (bright points) across the galaxy as gravitatio­nal waves pass by.

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