Austin American-Statesman

Conviction­s overturned in 2000 Concorde crash

- By nicola clark New york Times

VERSAILLES, FRANCE — A French appeals court Thursday overturned manslaught­er conviction­s against Continenta­l Airlines and a mechanic for the 2000 crash of an Air France Concorde that killed 113 people, a surprise ruling in one of the most high-profile disasters in aviation history.

The crash hastened the end for the already-faltering supersonic Concorde, synonymous with high-tech luxury but a commercial failure. The program, jointly operated by Air France and British Airways, was taken out of service in 2003.

In the accident, which occurred on July 25, 2000, the jet crashed into a hotel near Paris’ Charles de Gaulle airport soon after taking off, killing all 109 people aboard and four on the ground. Most of the victims were Germans heading to a cruise in the Caribbean.

A mistake made weeks earlier and thousands of miles away by a Continenta­l mechanic in Houston played a crucial role in the crash, the court found.

According to the original ruling, mechanic John Taylor fitted the wrong metal strip on a Continenta­l DC-10. The piece ultimately fell off on the runway in Paris, puncturing the Concorde’s tire. The burst tire sent bits of rubber flying, puncturing the fuel tanks, which started the fire that brought down the plane.

On Thursday, Judge Michele Luga overturned the 2010 manslaught­er conviction of Continenta­l and the mechanic, saying their mistakes didn’t make them criminally responsibl­e for the deaths.

Even if Taylor knew that the metal strip could become detached, “he could never have imagined a scenario where this simple titanium blade could cause such a disaster,” Luga said in court.

Part of the problem was that the Concorde’s design left it vulnerable to shock, according to judicial investigat­ors who said officials had known about the problem for more than 20 years. The lower court ruled that though French officials had missed opportunit­ies to improve the Concorde over the years, they could “be accused of no serious misconduct.”

Outside the courtroom, Continenta­l Airlines lawyer Olivier Metzner called the decision “historic” and finally put an end “to 12 years of wrongful accusation­s” against Continenta­l.

“What caused the crash was a plane that shouldn’t have been flying,” Metzner said of the Concorde, which he claimed was only being kept in service for “economic and symbolic reasons.”

Crash victims’ families, however, expressed disappoint­ment with the ruling.

Stephane Gicquel, head of a group of victims’ families, said Thursday’s ruling left them with “a sense of powerlessn­ess.”

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