Austin American-Statesman

Simple tips to keep a home safe during winter travel

Taking right steps before you go can avoid surprises when you return.

- By Lisa A. Flam

The flights have been booked, the suitcases retrieved from the attic and your vacation itinerary is set. But while your mind may be ready to wander to a faraway land, don’t forget home sweet home just yet.

Securing your home and making it look occupied while you’re away on a winter vacation will help deter thieves. And some simple preparatio­ns can save you the anguish and expense of returning home to ffnd damage if something like a dishwasher hose decides to fail in your absence.

“If you look at how long it takes compared to repairing the potential damage, it seems much easier to take the precaution­s than it does to make the repairs,” said Richard Stone, a University of Minnesota Extension educator in housing technology.

Here’s a checklist for closing up the house properly before you go:

Daily check: Arrange for a friend or neighbor to check on the house at least once a day (and feed the ffsh or water the plants). Give that person a copy of your itinerary and contact numbers. Ask that they call the police if they see or hear anything out of the ordinary.

Mail/newspapers: Have the mail held, or ask a neighbor to take it in. The U.S. Postal Service will hold mail from three to 30 days. Sign up for this free service at usps. com, or pick up a form at the post office that can be given to your letter carrier, left in your mailbox or returned to your post office. Cancel newspaper deliveries, and ask your neighbor to take in any unexpected holiday packages, notices of delivery attempts that may be left on your door, or free publicatio­ns tossed on the driveway. “That’s a sure sign that you’re not there, when all that stuff starts accumulati­ng at your house,” said Ernie Long, an instructor for the National Crime Prevention Council.

Security: Lock all windows and doors and set your alarm if you have one. The police also might be able to check on your house daily. If your department has one, register with its “vacation watch” list

Lights: To make your house look lived in, put lights on timers to mimic your typical routine. Long said he’ll set his living room timer to go on in the evening for a bit, and then he’ll set a bedroom light to go on for an hour before his usual bedtime. Exterior motion lights are highly effective in deterring crime.

Noise: A radio can also be set on a timer to make it seem like you’re there. Burglars, looking for an empty house, will ffrst knock on a front door, and will flee if they hear a radio, thinking you just didn’t hear the knock. If nobody answers, they typically go around to a back door, where they are less visible, Long said.

Locks and doors: The back door should have a high-security lock and a strong door frame. Long recommends replacing short screws with 3½inch wood screws to reinforce the strike plate on the door, making it harder for a criminal to kick it in. “You need to have goodqualit­y locks, but the door frame is just as important, especially on the back door,” he said. “Studies have shown that if you delay him two minutes, he’ll go somewhere else.”

Valuables: The ffrst place robbers go in a home is the master bedroom, Long said, where they are after money, jewelry and guns. If you have a big stash of cash or an expensive jewelry collection, he recommends storing it at a bank safety deposit box and storing any weapons in a gun safe. If you hide valuables in your home, be creative, Long said; place them in a coffee can, painted black and attached to the floor joists overhead in the basement, for instance. “If the guy is there for a while, he’ll knock over everything in your house, empty every drawer, turn every mattress over and look everywhere in your house for good stuff,” Long said. “They’re not neat when they do it.”

Blinds: Leave the blinds as you normally do. If you raise and lower them daily, Long recommends keeping blinds closed in the rear of the house, in case a wouldbe robber is watching for movement, and keep them open in the front.

Thermostat: You can turn the heat down in your home, but don’t turn it off altogether. Stone recommends going no lower than 60 degrees. Even at that temperatur­e, the exterior walls, which may house pipes and plumbing ffxtures, will be colder. “Turning that core temperatur­e down is going to make a signiffcan­t difference in the temperatur­e around the perimeter,” Stone said.

Another concern is mold if you have humidity sources like plants or ffsh tanks. Colder surfaces can condense moisture and lead to mold growth.

Another way to increase air flow is to open cabinets surroundin­g pipes, likely in the kitchen and bathroom, and keep interior doors open.

Water: Turn off the main valve (usually near the water meter) or, if you have well water, turn off the pump. Then, turn on an upstairs faucet for about 15 seconds to relieve any pressure. Make sure outside spigots have been turned off, too.

Appliances/fixtures: If you leave the main water valve open, turn off non-essential, water-dependent ffxtures like toilets, ice makers, washing machines and dishwasher­s to help prevent a leak if a hose or fftting fails. Leave the refrigerat­or on, freeze what you can, and throw out or give away perishable food that won’t last.

A gas water heater can be turned to the “vacation” or “pilot” setting, so you are not heating water you don’t need. An electric water heater can be turned off at the main electrical panel. Because it can take a few hours to get the water warm after you turn the heater back on, consider asking your caretaker to do so on the day you are returning.

Electronic­s: Unplug or power down non-essential electronic­s like television­s, gaming systems, computer monitors, coffee pots and toasters to save money on electricit­y. Make a list of what you have turned off so you can remember what needs turning on when you get home.

Garbage: Take it out ahead of time, or arrange for your caretaker to take it out on the assigned day.

Insurance: Make sure your homeowners insurance is up to date.

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