Austin American-Statesman

Zombies life of the party in apocalypti­c countdown

- From the left Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Collins writes for The New York Times. Friday Saturday Sunday


appears that a lot of people believe the world will come to an end next Friday, possibly during a zombie apocalypse.

Now that I have your attention, let’s proceed with a discussion of how various accounting principles are influencin­g congressio­nal negotiatio­ns over the “fiscal cliff.”

Just kidding! We are going to talk about the end of the world and the zombie apocalypse. Honestly, this is a big deal. The Web, which always knows what is really important, is full of it. Panic buying has popped up in Russia. At an antiterror­ism summit meeting in San Diego this year, law enforcemen­t officials got to see a demonstrat­ion on what to do in the event that Southern California is taken over by zombies.

Also, there have been quite a few recent developmen­ts that might well be interprete­d as a sign of the end of days:

The 5,125-year-long Mayan calendar stops on Dec. 21.

Scientists report the discovery of an elephant that speaks Korean.

Rick Perry says he might be considerin­g another run for president.

All right, the elephant has a very limited vocabulary. But ever since the world failed to come to an end in 2000, apocalypse aficionado­s have been looking at December 2012 because of the Mayan calendar thing. I believe the zombies were added on simply because, right now, zombies are really popular. There’s a high-rated zombie TV series, “The Walking Dead,” a whole bunch of best-selling zombie graphic novels, and an upcoming Brad Pitt movie, “World War Z.”

The movie isn’t being released until June, which suggests that Brad Pitt doesn’t have much faith in the Mayans.

What is it about zombies that everybody likes so much? As villains, they aren’t particular­ly well-rounded. They don’t plan, so the plot options are pretty limited. You can’t develop a forbidden relationsh­ip with one. You don’t see a handsome male zombie fall in love with a teenage human and then announce that sex is out of the question because of the threat of neckbiting and, therefore, all he wants to do is cuddle and talk about feelings.

That actually may be the key. Zombies never want to talk about feelings. I’ll bet nine-tenths of the world’s zombie fans are guys.

These days, if you want to sell something, you add zombies. If you’ve got a supply of pup tents you can’t get rid of, relabel them “zombie survival shelters” and they’ll fly out the door. The

Scot Lehigh

Paul Krugman

Dana Milbank

Maureen Dowd Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have been trying to get people interested in emergency readiness by reposition­ing the advice as “Preparedne­ss 101: Zombie Apocalypse.” Organizers of that counterter­rorism summit meeting in San Diego said they featured a section on zombie fighting to brighten up five days of meetings on homeland security. Zombies. Always the life of the party. People do love a good apocalypse. The National Geographic Channel feels it’s got a big hit in “Doomsday Preppers,” which is sort of a “Project Runway” for people with fallout shelters.

Every week, “Doomsday Preppers” visits folks who are getting ready for a cataclysm — terrorists, earthquake­s, the collapse of the Greenland ice sheet, nuclear war. The program is sponsored by a brand of “gourmet emergency food” and it features a team of experts who grade this week’s survivalis­ts on their preparatio­ns. “Your score is 63 out of 100; you have 10 months’ initial survival time,” they told a guy who was making weapons and growing algae to feed his five children in case of a collapse of the world financial system.

Scientists at NASA have taken the whole end-of-the-world thing seriously enough to post answers to a list of Frequently Asked Questions, beginning with the biggie. (“The world will not end in 2012.”) The Mayan calendar, NASA says, just ends like the one on your desk. Also, as long as they have your attention, they want you to know that there is no planet named Nibiru hurtling to Earth and that “a reversal in the rotation of Earth is impossible.” Just in case you were worrying. Toward the end of its Q-and-A, NASA takes up the issue of whether Earth will be hit by a meteor in 2012, assuring readers: “We have already determined that there are no threatenin­g asteroids as large as the one that killed the dinosaurs.”

NASA is sounding a little like Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev of Russia, who said he didn’t believe in the whole end-of-the-world scare, then added: “At least, not this year.”

Scientists, if the topic is potential cosmic calamities, think about your bedside manner. When discussing life-extinguish­ing meteors or planeteati­ng black holes, never say “highly unlikely.” Remember, you are talking to a nation of people who kept buying Powerball tickets even after the odds passed 1 in 175 million.

Gail Collins

John Young

Leonard Pitts

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