Austin American-Statesman

Syrian vice president: Army can’t defeat rebel forces

- By Zeina Karam

BEIRUT — Syria’s vice president has acknowledg­ed the army cannot defeat the rebel forces trying to topple the regime and called for a negotiated settlement to save the country from ruin.

The rare, candid comments by Farouk alSharaa, a longtime close aide to President Bashar Assad’s family, suggested his embattled regime may be contemplat­ing an exit strategy as rebel forces move closer to the capital of Damascus.

He spoke in an inter- view published Monday by the Lebanese newspaper Al-Akhbar.

“I don’t see that what the security forces and army units are doing will lead to a definitive victory,” al-Sharaa was quoted as saying in the interview conducted in Damascus.

“All these opposition forces can only conclude the battle to topple the regime if their goal is to push the country into chaos and a cycle of violence that has no end,” he added.

Al-Sharaa pushed for a negotiated political settlement that includes the formation of a national unity government with wide jurisdicti­on.

His comments coincided with a step-by-step peace plan for Syria outlined by Iranian officials on Sunday. It would be capped by Syrian elections that presumably could usher in a new leader in Damascus.

Tehran is Assad’s closest and perhaps only remaining regional ally, and the initiative suggests its embrace of the Syrian president could be cooling.

The initiative — while almost certain to be rejected by Syrian rebels — marks one of the clearest signals yet that Iran’s leadership is looking to hedge its bets and remain a player in Syrian affairs if Assad is toppled.

“Despite his rhetoric, Bashar Assad may now be contemplat­ing an exit strategy — one which would allow him to seek refuge abroad with his neck intact,” said Anthony Skinner, an analyst at Maplecroft, a British risk analysis company.

In Washington, U.S. State Department spokeswoma­n Victoria Nuland said the statement by al-Sharaa “speaks to the pressure that the Syrian regime is under.”

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