Austin American-Statesman

Biden swears in Schatz as new senator for Hawaii

Choice of lieutenant governor is counter to Inouye’s last wish.


WASHINGTON — Brian Schatz symbolized a generation­al change in Hawaii’s Senate delegation, taking the hand of his new colleague, 88-year-old Sen. Daniel Akaka, moments before being sworn in Thursday as the successor to the late Democratic Sen. Daniel Inouye.

Vice President Joe Biden administer­ed the oath of office in a chamber peopled by a dozen Democratic senators and a handful of Republican­s.

As he walked up the center aisle to meet Biden, Schatz, 40, took Akaka’s hand and helped the frail Democratic senator, who is retiring, stay at his side.

Schatz had flown to Washington hours earlier on Air Force One with President Barack Obama. Democratic Gov. Neil Abercrombi­e named Schatz, who had been lieutenant governor, to succeed Inouye. Inouye died last week of respirator­y complicati­ons at the age of 88.

The selection went against the dying wishes of Inouye, who is revered in Hawaii politics. He had wanted Rep. Colleen Hanabusa to succeed him.

Schatz is a former state representa­tive and onetime chairman of the state Democratic Party who ran Obama’s 2008 campaign in Hawaii.

He said his top priorities in the Senate would be addressing global climate change, preserving federal funds used in Hawaii for things like defense spending and transporta­tion and getting federal recognitio­n for Native Hawaiians to form their own government, similar to many Indian tribes.

Schatz told reporters in Washington that he slept for most of the long flight, but he also spoke briefly with Obama.

“We’re anxious to get to work” to try to avert the fiscal cliff, Schatz said, referring to a package of large tax hikes and spending cuts that will take effect in the new year unless Congress intervenes.

Schatz said it was “difficult to understand why we’ve inflicted this on ourselves.” He said the only thing worse than some of the tax hikes and spending cuts proposed to avert the cliff “is not fixing it.”

Schatz beat out Hanabusa and Esther Kiaaina, a deputy director in the state Land and Natural Resources Department. The three candidates were selected by state Democrats Wednesday morning from a field of 14. The candidates briefly made their cases before the state party’s central committee.

Inouye was by far Hawaii’s most influentia­l politician and one of the most respected lawmakers in Washington after serving five decades in the Senate. He sent Abercrombi­e a handsigned letter dated the day he died, saying he would like Hanabusa to succeed him.

Four days after eulogizing Inouye in the courtyard of the Hawaii Capitol, Abercrombi­e said he had to consider more than just Inouye’s wishes in filling his seat.

 ??  ?? Vice President Joe Biden (right) reenacts the swearing-in of Sen. Brian Emanuel Schatz, D-Hawaii, as Schatz’s wife, Linda, holds the Jewish Bible and watches in the Old Senate Chamber on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., on Thursday.
Vice President Joe Biden (right) reenacts the swearing-in of Sen. Brian Emanuel Schatz, D-Hawaii, as Schatz’s wife, Linda, holds the Jewish Bible and watches in the Old Senate Chamber on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., on Thursday.

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