Austin American-Statesman

Conn. lawmakers OK tough gun control

- By Susan Haigh

The state Senate passes widerangin­g, bipartisan legislatio­n in response to December’s school massacre in Newtown. Measures ban the sales of large-capacity ammunition magazines and more than 100 weapons that had been legal. Support for the legislatio­n is expected from the state’s House and its governor.

HARTFORD, COnn. — The state Senate on Wednesday approved wide-ranging legislatio­n in response to last year’s deadly school shooting in Newtown, including gun control measures that ban the sales of large-capacity ammunition magazines and more than 100 weapons that previously had been legal.

After a respectful and at times somber debate, the Senate voted 26-10 in favor of a bill crafted by leaders from both major parties in the Democratic­controlled legislatur­e.

The vote was bipartisan, with two Democrats voting with Republican­s against the bill and six Republican­s joining the Democrats in supporting it.

The bill was to go to the House of Representa­tives, which was expected to pass it. It would then be sent to Democratic Gov. Dannel P. Malloy, who has said he’ll sign it into law.

The December massacre of 26 people inside Sandy Hook Elementary School, which reignited a national debate on gun control, set the stage for changes in Connecticu­t that may have been impossible elsewhere: The governor, who per- sonally informed parents that their children had been killed that day, championed the cause, and legislativ­e leaders, keenly aware of the attention on the state, struck a bipartisan agreement they want to serve as a national model.

“The tragedy in Newtown demands a powerful response, demands a response that transcends politics,” said Senate President Donald E. Williams Jr., a Democrat. “It is the strongest and most comprehens­ive bill in the country.”

Republican Senate Minority Leader John McKinney, of Fairfield, whose district includes Newtown and who is a key author of the legislatio­n, spoke about how he has felt blessed to represent the bucolic New England town for 14 years and how he proudly wears a green ribbon and angel pin each day in honor of those killed.

“I try to put it on my jacket every day to remember those that we’ve lost because I stand here — I stand here as their voice, as their elected representa­tive,” said McKinney.

The legislatio­n adds more than 100 firearms to the state’s assault weapons ban and creates what officials have called the nation’s first dangerous weapon offender registry as well as eligibilit­y rules for buying ammunition. Some parts of the bill will take effect immediatel­y after Malloy’s signature, including background checks for all firearms sales.

Connecticu­t will join states including California, New York, New Jersey and Massachuse­tts in having the country’s strongest gun control laws, said Brian Malte, director of mobilizati­on for the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence in Washington.

Many senators on Wednesday spoke about balancing the rights of gun owners with addressing the horror of the Sandy Hook shooting. Lawmakers said they received thousands of emails and phone calls urging them to vote for or against the bill, with veteran Sen. Joan Hartley, a Democrat, saying she’s never seen a more polarizing issue at the state Capitol.

Gun rights advocates who greatly outnumbere­d gun control supporters in demonstrat­ions early in the day at the Capitol railed against the proposals as misguided and unconstitu­tional, occasional­ly chanting “No! No! No!” and “Read the bill!”

 ?? Charles KRUPA / AP ?? Jody Winslow of Farmington, Conn., carries placards about the U.S. Constituti­on’s Second Amendment as he heads to the Capitol in Hartford, Conn., on Wednesday. Hundreds of gun-rights advocates protested proposed gun-control legislatio­n.
Charles KRUPA / AP Jody Winslow of Farmington, Conn., carries placards about the U.S. Constituti­on’s Second Amendment as he heads to the Capitol in Hartford, Conn., on Wednesday. Hundreds of gun-rights advocates protested proposed gun-control legislatio­n.

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