Austin American-Statesman

The meaning of the Ferguson riots

- This editorial appeared in The New York Times.

The St. Louis County grand jury’s decision not to indict the white police officer who in August shot and killed Michael Brown, an unarmed black teenager, would have generated widespread anger and disappoint­ment in any case. But the county prosecutor, Robert McCulloch, who is widely viewed in the minority community as being in the pockets of the police, made matters infinitely worse by handling this sensitive investigat­ion in the worst possible way.

First, he refused to step aside in favor of a special prosecutor who could have been appointed by Gov. Jay Nixon of Missouri. He further undermined public confidence by taking a highly unorthodox approach. Instead of conducting an investigat­ion and then presenting the case and a recommenda­tion of charges to the grand jury, his office shifted its job to the grand jury. It made no recommenda­tion on whether to indict the officer, Darren Wilson, but left it to the jurors to wade through masses of evidence to determine whether there was probable cause to file charges against Wilson for Brown’s killing.

Under ordinary circumstan­ces, grand jury hearings can be concluded within days. The proceeding in this case lasted an astonishin­g three months. The drawn-out process fanned suspicions that McCulloch was deliberate­ly carrying on a trial out of public view, for the express purpose of exoneratin­g Wilson.

After delaying the grand jury’s finding all day, McCulloch made it late in the evening, when darkness had placed law enforcemen­t agencies at a serious disadvanta­ge as they tried to control the angry crowds that had been drawn into the streets by news that the verdict was coming. McCulloch’s announceme­nt sounded more like a defense of Wilson than a neutral summary of the facts that had led the grand jury to its conclusion.

For the black community of Ferguson, the killing of Michael Brown was the last straw in a long train of abuses that they have suffered daily at the hands of the local police. News accounts have strongly suggested, for example, that the police in St. Louis County’s many municipali­ties systematic­ally target poor and minority citizens for street and traffic stops — partly to generate fines — which has the effect of both bankruptin­g and criminaliz­ing whole communitie­s.

In this context, the police are justifiabl­y seen as an alien, occupying force that is synonymous with state-sponsored abuse.

The case resonated across the country — in New York City, Chicago and Oakland — because the killing of young black men by police is a common feature of African-American life and a source of dread for black parents from coast to coast. This point was underscore­d last month in a grim report by ProPublica, showing that young black males in recent years were at a far greater risk — 21 times greater — of being shot dead by police than young white men. These statistics reflect the fact that many police officers see black men as expendable figures on the urban landscape, not quite human beings.

We get a flavor of this in Wilson’s grand jury testimony, when he describes Michael Brown, as he was being shot, as a soulless behemoth who was “almost bulking up to run through the shots, like it was making him mad that I’m shooting at him.”

President Barack Obama was on the mark when he said, “We need to recognize that this is not just an issue for Ferguson, this is an issue for America.” The rioting that scarred the streets of St. Louis County — and the outrage that continues to reverberat­e across the country — underlines this inescapabl­e point. It shows once again that distrust of law enforcemen­t presents a grave danger to the civic fabric of the United States.

 ?? CHRIS PIETSCH / REGISTER-GUARD ?? Kamille Beard (center), of Eugene, Ore., joins others protesting the grand jury decision in the Michael Brown killing Tuesday in Eugene, Ore.
CHRIS PIETSCH / REGISTER-GUARD Kamille Beard (center), of Eugene, Ore., joins others protesting the grand jury decision in the Michael Brown killing Tuesday in Eugene, Ore.

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