Austin American-Statesman

The will to power holds more danger than money

- Mona Charen She writes for Creators Syndicate.

“I, Barack Hussein Obama, do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constituti­on of the United States.”

President Obama twice pronounced those words. On the first occasion, Chief Justice Roberts erred slightly in the wording. So mindful was Obama of the importance of complying with the letter of the law that he arranged for Roberts to administer the oath again the following day. The second time, both spoke the words verbatim.

Process matters. The law matters. Obama knows this. He has repeatedly explained to impatient illegal immigrants that he cannot waive deportatio­n for an entire category of people with the stroke of a pen. “I’m not the emperor of the United States,” he said in early 2013. “My job is to execute laws that are passed. And Congress right now has not changed what I consider to be a broken immigratio­n system. And what that means is that we have certain obligation­s to enforce the laws that are in place even if we think that in many cases the results may be tragic.”

The president’s now abandoned reticence to make law by executive fiat on immigratio­n was the one realm in which he showed some deference to the constituti­onal order. He felt no such scruples on the dozens of occasions when he airily rewrote the Affordable Care Act — postponing deadlines that were found in the text of the law, offering exemptions to favored businesses and suspending the employer mandate and the individual mandate. The health care law is now so perverted from its original form (not that the original was a thing of beauty) that it isn’t so much a law as a series of decrees from the Most High Leader. If he wakes up tomorrow morning and decides that the employer mandate should wait until 2018, that, apparently, will be that.

This, as the former constituti­onal law profes- sor in the White House has said, “is not the way our system is supposed to work.”

He showed no fealty to the law when he dictated terms to the auto industry in violation of bankruptcy law; when he failed to obtain congressio­nal approval for military action in Libya; when he made “recess” appointmen­ts to the National Labor Relations Board though Congress was not in recess; when he waived the work requiremen­ts of the welfare laws; or when he declined to enforce federal laws on marijuana.

We can speculate why Obama is so disrespect­ful of the Constituti­on, the law and the voters. We can imagine that this latest arrogation is impeachmen­t bait — hoping to draw Republican­s into a fight that will unite the Democratic base and divide the GOP. Or perhaps he knows that as the first black president, he’s immune from impeachmen­t and is putting a finger in Republican­s’ (and voters’) eyes because he can.

Now the left is adding presidenti­al fiat to the powers it will cheerfully accept. This is not constituti­onal government. This is not separation of powers. This is strong-arming. The left is fond of imagining that its opponents are corrupted by money. But there are other ways to be twisted. The will to power is arguably more dangerous than the love of money. It is not just the president — his entire party has surrendere­d to it.

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