Austin American-Statesman


Right-wing faction sees it as rallying cry for 2016 vote.

- By Jeremy W. Peters

Barack Obama’s executive order on immigratio­n has reinvigora­ted tea party groups.

WASHINGTON — In all its fury and unanimity, the response from the right over President Barack Obama’s decision to change immigratio­n policy without the consent of Congress was the manifestat­ion of a major transforma­tion inside the tea party.

What started five years ago as a groundswel­l of conservati­ves committed to curtailing the reach of the federal government, cutting the deficit and countering the Wall Street wing of the Republican Party has become largely an anti-immigratio­n overhaul movement.

The politician­s, intellectu­al leaders and activists who consider themselves part of the tea party have redirected their energy from fiscal austerity and small government to stopping any changes that would legitimize people who are here illegally, either through granting them citizenshi­p or legal status.

“Amnesty for Millions, Tyranny for All,” declared The Tea Party Tribune, summing up the indignatio­n among conservati­ves over Obama’s executive action to shield up to 5 million people from deportatio­n.

A group of sheriffs is organizing a demonstrat­ion next month at the Capitol. Activists are sending fat envelopes stuffed with articles on illegal immigratio­n to members of Congress.

And in their most audacious plans, tea party groups are preparing to recruit challenger­s to run against high-profile Republican­s they accuse of betraying them — as they did when they toppled Eric Cantor, the former House majority leader. At the top of their list of potential targets are politician­s such as Sen. John McCain of Arizona, a proponent of immigratio­n overhaul. Their fantasy candidate: Sarah Palin, McCain’s former running mate, who now spends much of the year at her home in Scottsdale, Ariz.

Two prominent conservati­ve activists, who spoke anonymousl­y to divulge private discussion­s, said leading tea party figures plan to reach out to Palin to see if she is interested in running against McCain.

The way they are organizing around the issue of immigratio­n bears striking parallels to how the federal bailouts of financial institutio­ns and the Affordable Care Act galvanized many of the same people in 2009 and 2010. The issues have shifted, but the common enemy has not: Obama.

“This is going to become the Obamacare for the 2016 cycle,” said David Bossie, president of Citizens United, a conservati­ve advocacy group. “You’re going to see a constant drumbeat, a constant march.

“It will be no one thing,” he added. “When you call down the thunder, sometimes it’s not pretty.”

Conservati­ves say emotions over immigratio­n run so high that the issue could be even more politicall­y potent than the Affordable Care Act. Like many of the economic concerns that animated Tea Party supporters, immigratio­n plays to people’s anxieties about their financial well-being and the future.

Many conservati­ves who have long mistrusted Obama because they think his policies will fundamenta­lly alter America believe his new immigratio­n order will do just that, with millions of potential new foreign-born citizens even though the president’s action does not call for a path to citizenshi­p.

The conundrum for the Republican Party is how to channel that energy.

Turned against liberalism, as it was in the 2010 elections that ousted Democrats from power in the House of Representa­tives, it can deliver serious political advantage. But turned inward, as it so often has been over the last four years, it threatens to tear the party apart.

In Virginia, Cantor’s defeat so emboldened activists that they have started using “to Cantor” as a euphemism for defeating establishm­ent Republican­s.

Conservati­ves see a moment of truth for the tea party as well. If they think Republican leaders in Congress are not doing enough to fight Obama on immigratio­n, what is their recourse?

“What the tea party has struggled with doing is translatin­g their ideologica­l appeal into political clout,” said Laura Ingraham, a conservati­ve author and ra- dio host. “They don’t have a lot of political clout. They can get out the vote out, yes. But I’m talking about getting individual committee chairmen and senators who can mount a real challenge to the establishm­ent forces when required. And can you do that from within the Republican Party?”

One challenge is that some of the party’s biggest financial backers want to see an immigratio­n overhaul pass Congress.

And groups that helped finance the tea party’s rise, like Americans for Prosperity, which is supported by Charles and David Koch, will not be there to help the anti-immigratio­n reform cause.

Republican­s on Capitol Hill are discussing a ways to challenge Obama but are struggling to find a path that does not anger the right. One would be to go to court; another, though it has been discounted by the House Appropriat­ions Committee, would be to try to cut off funding.

Other possible pressure points include refusing to confirm the president’s nominees, such as Loretta Lynch, Obama’s pick to replace Eric Holder as attorney general.

But satisfying the conservati­ve base will be difficult. Tea party activ- ists are not likely to sit patiently while a lawsuit works its way through the courts. And many have already expressed skepticism about the Republican leadership’s willingnes­s to see through a fight over appropriat­ions.

Some Kentucky tea party activists are already talking about a primary challenge to Rep. Harold Rogers, the Republican chairman of the House Appropriat­ions Committee, who has been in office since 1981.

Rogers’ office has said Congress could not simply defund the president’s directive, because the agency that carries it out, Citizenshi­p and Immigratio­n Services, is not financed by appropriat­ions but by the fees it generates.

“Yes, there’s a risk to overreacti­ng, but there’s a risk to underreact­ing as well,” said Rich Lowry, the editor of National Review. “And I fear that’s the way the congressio­nal leadership is leaning.”

Lowry suggested one way Congress could react.

“If I were John Boehner,” he said, referring to the House speaker, “I’d say to the president, ‘Send us your State of the Union in writing. You’re not welcome in our chamber.’”

 ?? DACIA IDOM / THE (MONROE, LA.) NEWS-STAR ?? Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is being urged to run for U.S. Senate against her 2008 running mate, Sen. John McCain, perceived by tea party activists as a traitor on the immigratio­n issue.
DACIA IDOM / THE (MONROE, LA.) NEWS-STAR Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is being urged to run for U.S. Senate against her 2008 running mate, Sen. John McCain, perceived by tea party activists as a traitor on the immigratio­n issue.
 ?? STEPHEN CROWLEY / NEW YORK TIMES ?? President Barack Obama delivers remarks on immigratio­n at Del Sol High School in Las Vegas earlier this month. The tea party has become primarily an opponent of immigratio­n reform.
STEPHEN CROWLEY / NEW YORK TIMES President Barack Obama delivers remarks on immigratio­n at Del Sol High School in Las Vegas earlier this month. The tea party has become primarily an opponent of immigratio­n reform.

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