Austin American-Statesman

Refugee crisis laid at West’s doorstep

European countries didn’t seek serious solutions, some say.

- Anne Barnard ©2015 The New York Times

Arresting images of desperatio­n on the West’s doorstep have brought Syria, for the moment, back to worldwide attention: refugees cramming into train stations and climbing border fences; drowned Syrian toddlers washing up on beaches, a girl in polka dots, a boy in tiny shoes.

It was never any secret that a rising tide of Syrian refugees would sooner or later burst the seams of the Middle East and head for Europe. Yet little was done in Western capitals to stop or mitigate the slow-motion disaster that was befalling Syrian civilians and sending them on the run.

“The migrant crisis in Europe is essentiall­y self-inflicted,” said Lina Khatib, a research associate at the University of London and until recently the head of the Carnegie Middle East Center in Beirut.

“Had European countries sought serious solutions to political conflicts like the one in Syria, and dedicated enough time and resources to humanitari­an assistance abroad, Europe would not be in this position today.”

The causes of the current crisis are plain enough. Neighborin­g countries like Lebanon and Jordan became overwhelme­d with refugees and closed their borders to many, while internatio­nal humanitari­an funding fell further and further short of the need. Then, Syrian government losses and other battle- field shifts sent new waves of people fleeing the country.

Some of these people had initially thought they would stick it out in Syria, and they are different from earlier refugees, who tended to be poor and vulnerable.

Now those departing include more middle-class or wealthy people, many of them supporters of Syrian President Bashar Assad who lived in sections of the country that had been shielded from the early fighting.

As the numbers of displaced Syrians mounted to 11 million today from a trickle in 2011, efforts to reach a political solution gained little traction.

The United States and Russia bickered in the United Nations Security Council while Syrian government warplanes continued indiscrimi­nate barrel bombing, the Islamic State took over new areas, other insurgent groups battled government forces and one another, and Syria’s economy collapsed.

For years, Yacoub El Hillo, the top U.N. humanitari­an official in Syria, has been warning that with the Syrian crisis — the “worst of our time” — the internatio­nal system of humanitari­an aid has “come to the breaking point,” especially as protracted conflicts pile up around the world, in Afghanista­n, Iraq, Somalia and elsewhere.

“This is the price of political failure,” he said in Beirut in March, declaring that the breakdown of the aid system resulted from the strategic stalemate over Syria.

“This is a direct affront to internatio­nal peace and security.”

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