Austin American-Statesman

Iraq plans to share security, intelligen­ce

Baghdad to share intelligen­ce with Syria, Russia, Iran.

- By Qassim Abdul-Zahra

Giving informatio­n to Syria, Russia and Iran could further complicate U.S. efforts to battle extremists without working with Damascus.

Iraq’s military said Sunday it will begin sharing “security and intelligen­ce” informatio­n with Syria, Russia and Iran to help combat the Islamic State group, a move that could further complicate U.S. efffffffff­ffforts to battle the extremists without working with Damascus and its allies.

A statement issued by the Joint Operations Command said the countries

will “help and cooperate in collec ting informatio­n about the terrorist Daesh group,” using the Arabic acronym for the IS group.

Iraq has long had close ties with neighborin­g Iran and has coordinate­d with Tehran in fighting IS — which controls about a third of Iraq and Syria in a self-declared caliphate. Iran has sent military advisers to Iraq and worked closely with Shiite militias battling the IS group.

A U.S.-led coalition has meanwhile been conducting airstrikes against IS in Iraq and Syria as well as training and advising Iraqi forces, but U.S. offiffi

cials insist they are not coordinati­ng their efffffffff­ffforts with Iran.

The U.S. also refuses to cooperate with Syrian President Bashar Assad, who Washington has insisted should step down. Russia and Iran have provided crucial support to Assad since Syria’s uprising began in 2011.

The Baghdad-based spokesman for the U.S.led campaign against the IS group, Col. Steve Warren, said the U.S. remains committed to working with Iraq to defeat the extremists.

“We recognize that Iraq has an interest in sharing informatio­n on ISIL with other government­s in the region who are also fighting ISIL,” Warren said, using another acronym for the militant group. “We do not support the presence of Syrian government offifficia­ls who are part of a regime that has brutalized its own citizens.”

U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, who met with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on the sidelines of the U.N. General Assembly on Sunday, said in response to the Iraqi statement that “all of the efffffffff­ffforts need to be coordinate­d. This is not yet coordinate­d.”

“I think we have con- cerns about how we are going to go forward. That is precisely what we are meeting on to talk about now. Our presidents will be meeting tomorrow,” he told reporters, referring to talks between U.S. President Barack Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin.

Lavrov, when asked about the purpose of the cooperatio­n with Iraq, said it was to “coordinate the efffffffff­ffforts against ISIL .”

Moscow has been ramping up its involvemen­t in Syria in defense of Assad by ferrying weapons, troops and supplies to an airport near the Syrian coastal city of Latakia in what the U.S. sees as preparatio­ns for setting up an air base there.

The Iraqi military statement said Moscow is increasing­ly concerned about “the presence of thousands of terrorists from Russia who are carrying out criminal acts with Daesh.”

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