Austin American-Statesman



DEAR CAROLYN: I adore my older sister, but she is married to someone who was inappropri­ate to me from when I was 13 through my early 20s. Nothing he could get arrested for — he would “accidental­ly” touch my rear end or chest.

These days I manage to be civil and sometimes fairly friendly — he was raised very badly, and I can see he isn’t all bad.

Problem: I have kids now, and my sister wants them to spend the night with their favorite aunt. I just can’t see ever allowing that, but I don’t know how much longer I can make excuses.

My sister made excuses back then, and it immediatel­y was a non-topic. And she is absolutely one who would cut me off forever if I just said, “Hey, Hubby isn’t someone I have good memories of, so no thanks.”

I can’t imagine I’m overreacti­ng, or am I?

— Mama Bear

I’ll take your word for it that he didn’t cross over from creepy to criminal; I do feel, though, like an accessory after the fact.

Your sister is one, if it’s true she “would cut me off forever.”

It also leaves you these unappealin­g choices:

(1) Let your kids stay in this man’s house overnight. Not acceptable.

(2) Say no and say why, damaging your relationsh­ip with your sister. Maybe you’re wrong about how she’d respond.

(3) Continuing with the excuses and hoping she won’t call you on it.

Every choice costs you something, but No. 3 costs the least and buys you time to summon your resolve.

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