Austin American-Statesman




As reported by the AmericanSt­atesman’s Jonathan Tilove, Gov. Greg Abbott sent a warning letter to all Texas sheriffs informing them that if they don’t fully comply with all federal requests for detaining “criminal immigrants” being held in their jails, he will deny them certain criminal justice grant funding under his control. U.S. Immigratio­n and Customs Enforcemen­t can request for inmates here illegally to be held past their scheduled release date so that ICE agents can pick them up — but local law enforcemen­t agencies cooperate with federal authority at their own discretion.

John Iracheta: Imagine the outcry if the headline read: “Obama warns Abbott to comply with federal (abortion, gay marriage, Medicare) laws.”

Steven Flood: Imagine if Obama told states to follow federal law unilateral­ly. Justice may have integrity.

Jimmy Green: Illegal immigrants mow the grass around the Capitol.

Brad Sloan: Gee, Gov. Abbott, if you really want to get rid of illegal immigrants, throw some of their employers in jail. I bet that would turn things around without much effort. Oh, I am sorry, the Chamber of Commerce would frown on that on second thought. They wouldn’t want to lose that cheap labor, would they?

Karl Jennings: Abbott likes to pick and choose when he like Fed interventi­on.

Chris Sisto: What a tool. The U.S. Constituti­on supersedes Texas’ thoughts on it. Amazing.

Zach Davis: Can we impeach this guy yet?

John Resch: Hypocrite much?

 ?? DEBORAH CANNON / AMERICAN-STATESMAN ?? Gov. Greg Abbott has told Texas sheriffs they must comply with all federal requests for detaining “criminal immigrants.”
DEBORAH CANNON / AMERICAN-STATESMAN Gov. Greg Abbott has told Texas sheriffs they must comply with all federal requests for detaining “criminal immigrants.”

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